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Storefront for Art and Architecture is making a call for submissions for projects and strategies that offer a new, creative and productive way of spatial occupation for public demonstrations and actions in cities throughout the world.

Founded in 1982, Storefront for Art and Architecture is a nonprofit organization committed to the advancement of innovative positions in architecture, art and design. Our program of exhibitions, artists talks, film screenings, conferences and publications is intended to generate dialogue and collaboration across geographic, ideological and disciplinary boundaries. As a public forum for emerging voices, Storefront explores vital issues in art and architecture with the intent of increasing awareness of and interest in contemporary design.

Gathering expertise from the various acts of civil occupation throughout the world during the last months, Storefront for Art and Architecture ask architects, artists and citizens at large to offer their ideas for enabling acts of communication and action between the civil society and the structures of economic and political power.

Submission requirements

  • 1 image [plan, diagram, photograph, code...] 11x11 inches, 300 dpi jpg format;
  • A title and a text of 200 words maximum;
  • Name or Pseudonym;


As soon as possible. December 1st, 2011.


Please send your files to


1st Prize: The possibility of a new world order

Submissions will be exhibited in a pop up installation at Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York in December and in the ongoing Storefront Strategies for Public Occupation Archive.

Call for ideas. "Strategies for Public Occupation"

inscription dates
from 07/10/2011
to 01/12/2011


Storefront for Art and Architecture
New York USA


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