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International Workshop with University of Toronto – The John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, Centro Cultural São Paulo, Fau-USP and Escola da Cidade
Canadian and Brazilian students will research and articulate sectional representational projects from various points of view of the apparatus Minhocão – a suspended 3Km highway and its surroundings in São Paulo Brazil.
- Maria Denegri, OAA, Raic, Leed AP, Sessional Instructor II, University of Toronto
- Alexander Pilis, Associate Professor – University of Toronto
Assistants in São Paulo:
- Leandro Leão, Curator for the series of lectures and films
- Miguel Croce, Graphic design for web, posters and publication
Schedule for Lectures and Films Series
Both are open to the public & free of charge.
At the Centro Cultural São Paulo, the lectures and films will address the Minhocão and its surroundings, and the process of urbanization within the city of São Paulo.
At the Faculty of Architecture of the University of São Paulo and the Escola da Cidade, the lectures and films will address the modern Brazilian Architecture and its principal architects.
All lectures and films discussions will be mediated by Alexander Pilis e Leandro Leão
Lecture & Film Series: Minhocão & São Paulo the Metropolis; a process of urbanization.
01 june - Film and Discussions
Elevado 3.5
(Documentary; Brazil 2007; 72 min)
Directors: Paulo Pastorelo, Maíra Bühler, João Sodré
The Elevado Costa e Silva, better known, as ‘Minhocão’ is a film about the world of people who crosses over the suspended 3.5 km Minhocão highway, built in the central region of São Paulo during the military dictatorship.
Discussions with both film directors: João Sodré e Paulo Pastorelo.
7pm - at Fau USP.
03 june – Lecture and discussions
A Critical Walk: Minhocão and its Surroundings
Frentes Arquitetura - José Alves e Juliana Corradini
A critical walk through the Elevado Costa e Silva, Minhocão on Sunday afternoon.
Frentes Architecture will deliver a lecture and a discussion at the Ccsp
Then a critical walking tour to the Minhocão and its surroundings.
Frentes in 2007 won the 1º place and an award for the competition award Prestes Maia de Urbanism and 1st. Place and award at 7ª Biennial International de Arquitetura de São Paulo for the submitted Minhocão project.
11am - at Sala de Debates do Centro Cultural São Paulo (Ccsp)
05 june - Film and discussions
Bem-Vindo a São Paulo - (Welcome to São Paulo)
(Documentary; Brazil 2007; 100 min)
Directors: Kiju Yoshida, Phillip Noyce, Wolfgang Becker + 15 other directors.
17 episodes realized by international directors that articulates the immensity and misery of São Paulo.
6pm – at Sala de Debates do Centro Cultural São Paulo.
Date 07 june - Film and discussions
São Paulo S/A – (São Paulo Inc.)
(Brasil 1965; 111 min)
Director: Luiz Sérgio Person
A panel on the impact, transformations and the economy of São Paulo, by developers, auto industry, through the vision of a man in social ascension in the beginning of urbanization of the city.
8pm – at Sala de Debates do Centro Cultural São Paulo.
19 june – Lecture and discussions
São Paulo, Immigrants and the construction of the city
Ana Lanna & José Lira.
Between 2007 and 2011, the investigating group Fapesp with students from USP – Fau, Fflch, Eesc e Museu Paulista – developed a study and analysis of São Paulo since the end 19th century until 2011 through the involvement of the immigrants, fundamental presence in various construction of the city process; physical, demographical, social economic and cultural. In 2011, their book was published with all the collected articles. São Paulo, os estrangeiros e a construção das cidades e o site
Drawings and photographs of the realized projects will be presented and discussed.
This discussion will address; the urban project as the formation of the districts and the architects.
6pm – at Sala de debates do Centro Cultural São Paulo.
21 june – Film and discussions
Linha de Passe (Line of Passage)
(Drama; Brazil; 2008; 1h48min.)
Directors: Walter Salles and Daniela Thomas
At the heart of one of the world's largest metropolis, São Paulo, four brothers try to reinvent their lives. Dario, about to turn 18 years old dreams of being a soccer player. The youngest, Reginaldo, seeks doggedly his father. Dinho an attendant at a gas station seeks refuge in religion. Dennis, the eldest brother is already the father of a child and survives as motorcycle courier. In the center of it, is Cleusa, 42, pregnant with her fifth child. She works as a maid and struggles to keep the children in line. To survive the brutality of São Paulo they can only rely on each other.
8pm – at Praça das Bibliotecas do Centro Cultural São Paulo.
26 june – Lecture and discussions
Projetos para São Paulo (Projects for São Paulo)
Projects delivered by Alexandre Delijacoiv (Grupo Metrópole Fluvial Fau USP) and Bete França, Ministry of Habitation (Sehab).
This table will be present projects for the city of São Paulo. Conducted by two institutions, the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the USP and the Municipality of São Paulo.
In 2011, the Research Group in Architectural Design of Urban River Infrastructures –River Metropolis Group – from the Waterways Department of the State Department of Logistics and Transport of the State Government of São Paulo, developed Architectural Articulation and Urban Planning "Studies Pre-feasibility Technical, Economic and Environmental Metropolitan Hydro ring for São Paulo ". The Municipal Housing Secretariat of Sao Paulo has deployed its housing policy aimed at the poor performance in areas with several projects in the surrounding areas, programs and renewal of the context SP. Moreover, it has held events and exhibitions, such as Housing Day.
6pm – at Sala de debates do Centro Cultural São Paulo.
28 june – Film and Discussions
Pmr29: vinte e nove minutos com Paulo Mendes da Rocha
(pmr29: twenty-nine minutes with Paulo Mendes da Rocha)
(Documentary, São Paulo, 29 min., 2011)
Directors: Carolina Gimenez, Catherine Otondo, João Sodré, José Paulo Gouvêa, Juliana Braga
The film is driven by a conversation with Paulo Mendes da Rocha, held in his office on May 1st. 2010.
Presenting some of his major works, the architect weaves ideas on the understanding of architecture and its human dimension, essentially culturally.
Paulo Mendes da Rocha is one of the most important Brazilian architects today, recognized internationally for the quality of the projects that he has been constructing since the 50’s.
Paulo’s presentation leads to a compelling reflection on the contemporary situation of the metropolis, our condition and our occupation of Brazilian cities.
On the strength of his discourse Paulo shows that it is still possible, today, to understand architecture in an essentially cultural and human dimension.
Discussions with Guilherme Wisnik, Juliana Braga e Luiz Recamán.
8pm – at Praça das Bibliotecas do Centro Cultural São Paulo.
6 june – Film and Discussions
Oscar Niemeyer, A Vida éuUm Sopro – (Oscar Niemeyer, Life is a Breath)
(Documentary; Brazil; 90 min.; 2007)
Through many accounts from friends and other architects all testimonies demonstrate how Niemeyer’s achievements has revolutionized modern architecture by introducing the curved line and exploring new possibilities for use of reinforced concrete.
Niemeyer also speaks about his life, his ideals of a fairer society and explores metaphysical questions as the insignificance of man before the universe.
Life is a breath, the testimonies are sewn by archival footage and rare unreleased, documentations from personalities such as writers José Saramago, Eduardo Galeano and Carlos Heitor Cony, Ferreira Gullar the poet ,the historian Eric Hobsbawm, the filmmaker Nelson Pereira dos Santos, former President of Portugal Mario Soares and the composer Chico Buarque de Holanda.
Film discussions with Anália Amorim.
6pm – at Escola da Cidade
20 june – Film and Discussions
Lina Bo Bardi
(Documentary; Brasil 1993; 50 min)
Director: Aurelio Micheles
Film Discussions with Marina Grinover.
The trajectory of the architect Lina Bo Bardi, who was born in Italy in 1914 and adopts Brazil as her own country since 1946. It is one of the most important architect in Brazil because of her role in the Brazilian modern architecture discourse. With her husband, Pietro Maria Bardi along side their relationship with the cultural environment develops 2 extremely important cultural centers in São Paulo; Masp and Sesc.
6pm – at Escola da Cidade.
27 june – Film and Discussions
Vilanova Artigas
(Documentario; Brazil 2003; 53min)
Director Gilson Gaspondini
This documentary takes a look at the multiple work of this master - twentieth-century Brazilian architecture.
The testimony of his children and Julio Rosa, Julio Katinsky teacher and architect Ruy Ohtake, Fabio Penteado, Paulo Mendes da Rocha and Oscar Niemeyer reveals the world of a man of strong-willed, brilliant educator. And an architect who believed in coexistence between logic of science and the pedagogy of the artistic process.
Also traveling through the inside of major projects by Vilanova Artigas, showing the simple genius of his designs - sleek lines that hold content.
Discussions with Mônica Junqueira e Rafael Urano
5pm – at Fau USP.