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The privatisation of our public spaces along with arbitrary restrictions and controls - backed up with state of the art monitoring systems - is not only a threat to individual liberty, it also reveals a fundamental democratic deficit for society as a whole.
Who controls the ‘public’ realm? In whose name and for what purpose is this space used? Why is the protester, photographer, skateboarder, rough sleeper and graffiti writer demonised and excluded?
Why are local authorities selling off record amounts of parks, playing fields and allotments to the private sector with little or no oversight from communities and local people?
During the Olympic games, the biggest mobilisation of military and security forces since the Second World War is to be implemented. How will our freedom to move through and engage in these spaces be monitored and restricted during this time?
The Speakers
The event will be chaired by Grant Smith, the acclaimed architectural photographer.
Free event.
More details: