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From brand new arenas to renovated classic structures, built with the highest sustainability standards, this exhibit will show how the world’s eighth largest economy plans to host one of the world’s biggest sport events by showcasing its originality in both bold architectural design and creative project solutions.
Following up the symposium “Brazil+2014 World Cup Architectural Summit”, at the Center of Architecture (Aiany), on 2010, this exhibition showcases, two years later, the Brazilian preparations for the Soccer World Cup 2014 championship, through the architectural and urban infrastructure projects developed by the host-cities.
Applying sustainability and environmental responsibility integrated into the complex structures of their Stadiums, these projects present innovations that will certainly attract a great deal of public interest, who expect to see the role of Brazil design at this important moment. For each Stadium, research on new technologies have been consistently tested and developed in different scales. These buildings present impressive architectural designs beyond answering the demands of the economy of natural resources and the environment.
The exhibit shows the coexistence between the new arenas and the old renewed and rehabilitated stadiums. Projects of restoration and modernization were made in such traditional stadiums as Beira-Rio (Porto Alegre), Arena da Baixada (Curitiba), Mineirão (Belo Horizonte), Castelão (Fortaleza) and the landmark Maracanã (Rio de Janeiro), which will host the closing game.
The new stadiums, such as the Fonte Nova (Salvador), Arena Corinthians (São Paulo), Arena Pantanal (Cuiabá), Arena Pernambuco, Arena da Amazônia (Manaus) and Arena das Dunas (Natal), allowed the architects to re-think the master plans for the context regions as well and their urban impact.
Creative solutions for water reuse, exploitation of rain water, generation of photovoltaic energy, treatment of residues and sewers were developed for several of the projects, with highlights to the Stadium National Mané Garrincha, in Brasilia, that will be the first one in the world to receive the certification Leed Platinum and won the mark symbol stamp of the Autodesk - AutoCAD 2013.
In the exhibition, beyond the general vision of stadiums in high quality panels, the visitor will be able to watch videos and digital models on large big TV screens and also obtain specific details from the net system computers installed in the gallery room.
This program has received support from diverse sectors of the architecture and construction industries through the Brazilian content producer Mandarim Comunicação. This event is being curated by the Brazilian architect Denise de Alcântara Hochbaum and is sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs/General Consulate of Brazil in New York and Banco do Brasil S.A.