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agenda cultural

The upcoming event being organized by the DHUB (Barcelona Design Hub) consists of not one but a series of activities (exhibitions, real-time fabrication laboratories, workshops, lectures, etc.) that offer a comprehensive overview of 3D digital manufacturing technologies, a new reality in constant evolution that is producing a fundamental transformation of design and production processes.

The exhibition format of the Fabrication Laboratory is an open infrastructure, allowing its initial form to be modified and expanded as new content is produced. As a result, the laboratory will gradually consolidate a process of ongoing analysis of the new scenario in the field of production.

The DHUB FAB LAB  will be functioning as part of the exhibition, a fabrication laboratory connected to the Fab Lab Network and setup by the Fab Lab Bcn, equipped with machines to make (almost) anything. This Fab Lab will offer different workshops and activities which could be found at:

The exhibition is about Digital Fabrication and it offers a comprehensive overview of 3D digital manufacturing technologies, a new reality in constant evolution that is producing a fundamental transformation of design and production processes.

Fabrication Laboratory

from 15/06/2010
to 29/05/2011


Disseny Hub
Montcada, 12
08003 Barcelona
Mar a sáb 11 a 19h. Dom. 11 a 20h. Festivos 11 a 15h. Cerrado 1 de ene, 24 de jun, 25 y 26 de dic.
+34 932562300

Barcelona España


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