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The upcoming 13th edition of the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space will be held in June 18–28, 2015.

The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space is the largest scenography event in the world that explores a wide range of scenographic practices – from stage design and costume design to lighting design, sound design and new scenographic practices such as site-specific, applied scenography, urban performance, costume as performance, and much more.The upcoming 13th edition of the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space will be held in June 2015.

In the last decade, the Prague Quadrennial has developed from periodical exhibition event into organization providing international platform for continuous projects focusing on scenography education, exhibitions, exchanges, publications, commissioned projects, international symposia as well as permanent electronic scenography newsletterlibrary and art school world database.

The main theme of the Prague Quadrennial 2015 is SharedSpace: Music, WeatherPolitics 2013–2016, which is common for international project the PQ is organizing in cooperation with 11 European partners. The core of the project are symposia, meetings and exhibitions throughout Europe and the project will culminate at Prague Quadrennial in June 2015 in Prague.

13th Prague Quadrennial

from 18/06/2015
to 28/06/2015

Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space

13th Prague Quadrennial


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