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The conference is organised by Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo, Brazil and the Centre for Innovative & Collaborative Construction Engineering, Loughborough University, UK and will be held on 15-17 August 2012 at The Brazilian British Centre.

There is widespread recognition of the need for innovation in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector. A large number of initiatives have been established in many countries to engender innovation in the industry.

In parallel with these, there is a considerable body of ongoing research work on various aspects of innovation in AEC. The scope of these projects encompasses the use of innovative materials, innovative design concepts, innovative construction methods, novel procurement methods, innovative deployment of IT tools, green architecture, sustainable construction, etc.

The aim of this conference, therefore, is to act as a focal point for the dissemination of the results from ongoing studies, applications and demonstration projects throughout the world. It is intended that the conference will bring together practitioners and researchers interested in innovative approaches to design, procurement, construction, operation and decommissioning of the built environment.

The scope of the conference is wide, covering all aspects of the AEC (architecture, engineering and construction) sector. Papers are invited from both industry practitioners and researchers on the following and related topics:

- Theoretical and Conceptual Aspects of Innovation
- Lessons from Other Industry Sectors
- Innovation in design (architectural, structural, etc.)
- Innovative construction methods and processes
- Innovative procurement methods
- Innovative construction technologies
- Innovative approaches to collaborative working
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) innovations
- Novel construction planning and scheduling methods
- Developments in information and knowledge management
- Innovations in healthcare facility design and construction
- Innovative approaches to project delivery
- Innovations in construction e-Business
- Innovative use of IT in design and construction
- Innovations in sustainable construction
- Innovative building mechanical systems
- Next-generation lighting systems
- Developments in building envelope systems
- Innovative lessons from failures
- Innovative approaches to environmentally–conscious architecture
- Developments in High Performance Building Systems

paper submission schedule

1 September to 21 October 2011 - Abstract Submission

30 November 2011 - Abstract Acceptance

31 January 2012 - Full Paper Submission

30 March 2012 - Paper Review Decisions

30 April 2012 - Final Papers

15 June 2012 - Early Registration Deadline

journal special issues/best paper awards

A selection of papers will be reviewed for publication in a special issue of the following journal

- International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Design Management
- Earthscan (publishers) is pleased to offer two best paper Awards – one for Graduate Students and one for other contributions.

The format for submitting abstracts and final papers can be accessed here.



7th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering & Construction

from 15/08/2012
to 17/08/2012

Centro Britânico Brasileiro
Rua Ferreira de Araújo,741
05428-002 Pinheiros São Paulo

Silvio Melhado - Escola Politécnica USP
São Paulo SP Brazil


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