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Backstage Architecture produces a biannual survey of young architects around the world, aged 35 or under, thus releasing it as a book.

The system it relies on is very simple: the curators asked as many architecture critics as could be reached to select one young office from their country. The aim is to undercover the upcoming generation currently working behind the scenes of the saturated architectural star-system show.

The book's curators are extremely thankful to all those critics and architects who voluntarily and enthusiastically contributed to make it possibile. Not to be understimated, this book is self-produced and printed and distributed as a print-on-demand book by, as well as being available as a free downloadable PDF file at

It represents a great achievement in sharing knowledge around the world and opening up architectural debate to any interested party.

Read the article "The different ways of being hype" by Bernardina Borra 

Backstage Architecture catalogue online

Bernardina Borra
Venice Italy


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