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28th international architectural conference Piran Days of Architecture under the honorary patrons Ms Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Ms Majda Širca, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia have taken part last weekend, 20, 21 November 2010. It has been accompanied by four architectural exhibitions. On Sunday, 21 November, the Piranesi Award has been conferred. The conference was dedicated to Vojteh Ravnikar (1943–2010), the founder and the president of the organizing committe PDA.
Reanimation of Architecture
Architecture has a great impact on designing space and our living. But is contemporary architecture and architects responding to the present situation of global climatic, environmental and financial crisis? We believe we should re-evaluate the existing architectural principles and criteria. Instead of using more and more natural space, sources and energy, architecture should focus on restoration, renovation and reanimation of architecture, and specially of disregarded and ignored architecture. The conference, which will bring face to face eight different architectural viewpoints from different countries, will try to point out that the essence of sustainable architecture is high-quality architectural design and individual moral responsibility. Since it raises the awareness of modern society, high-quality architecture is an objective, not just subjective interest.
8 speakers
3 students’ presentations
1 documentary film
Infinite Space: The Architecture of John Lautner, director Murray Grigor, 2009
4 architectural exhibitions
This years awards were:
Piranesi Award 2010
Maruša Zorec, Matjaž Bolčina | The manor Naskov dvorec, Maribor, 2009
Piranesi Honorable Mention 2010
STUDIO UP | Hostel Golly & Bossy, Split, 2010
Piranesi Student’s Honorable Mention 2010
Ambrož Bartol | River bath, Podpeč, 2010
mentors: Miloš Florijančič, Mitja Zorc, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture
Piranesi Student’s Honorable Mention 2010
Suzana Lunic, Tina Busatto | Algae Island, Kastela Bay, Croatia, 2010
mentor: Hrvoje Njiric, Split Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture