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The City of Caen, France, announced the architecture teams to work on the refurbishment of a 300ha old industrial area and port, the Caen Peninsula (Presqu'ile de Caen). MVRDV and two other teams have been selected to collaborate for the coming four years on a vision of the future of the capital of Basse-Normandie in the French Departement Calvados.

Caen was destroyed during the Second World War and has been restored since, the Presqu'ile project is considered its second restoration. The 300ha Presqu'ile de Caen is located between the city centre and the sea and occupied by industrial structures among which some industrial monuments. MVRDV joined forces with French architect Diagram experienced in the site, landscape architect Territoires and engineering firm IOSIS. The project is a vision of the future based on research and for this the team also comprises of Swiss sociologist Philippe Cabane and Pro-Developpement, a company specialist in development strategy.

According to Le Moniteur the city has selected the three offices in a strategic mix: MVRDV was chosen for its innovative urbanism and involvement in Grand Paris, Djamel Klouche with SLETH for the Copenhagen port extension and François Leclercq for his involvement in the Euromediterranee project in Marseille.

MVRDV is currently involved in the Atelier du Grand Paris envisioning the future of the French Capital. In Bordeaux MVRDV is working on the transformation of the industrial site Bastide Niel into an urban district with 2600 homes and facilities.

MVRDV selected to design Caen's port refurbishment

Rotterdam The Netherlands


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