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International Conference,  Venice, May 12th and 13th 2011

Call for Position Papers

The My Ideal City project has been funded by the European Union, onthe 7th Framework Programme for Culture, to deal with the representation in an immersive, virtual, environment of the results of participatory processes involving the citizens of four cities (Copenhagen, Jerusalem, Lisbon, and Trento). Therefore, the project involved since the beginning a mixture of reflections on three dimensional representation, participation, and urban planning, in a period of time characterized by the contested and controversial meaning of the city as the central space for innovating the ways human beings live.

The My Ideal City Conference looks for contributions that will foster the debate on how it is possible to give shape to the new, ideal, city, in order to represent it in innovative ways, stimulating new concepts of the city itself, and to enlarge the participation of citizens in the construction of the city.


Contributions should contain the following elements: name(s) of author(s), title of abstract, affiliation, e-mail contact information, thematic session of reference, key words (in number of three), abstract (a maximum number of 1.500 characters including spaces, approximately 400 words). The abstract should be written in English.

Abstracts must be received by March 15th 2011 for prior approval to the following address: The scientific committee of the MIC will inform interested parties of accepting the proposals by March 31th 2011. The scientific committee split the selection into two categories: one dealing with speakers who will participate in sessions of debate and whose contribution in the form of paper will be published in the proceedings of the conference, the second on the papers that will be only published in conference proceedings. The authors of the accepted abstracts will be asked to submit a position paper (2.000 words, 8.000 characters including spaces, with a maximum of five images) to be included in the proceedings to be published in the IUAV Digital Library. The position papers should be sent by May 1th to and formatted according to the format that will be sent to selected authors. A complete programme will be showed at

  • Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali di Trento (Italy, coordinator)
  • Experimentarium Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem (Israel)
  • Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Ciência Viva Lisbon (Portugal)
  • Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy)

Call for papers 'My Ideal City, an European Project'

inscription dates
in 15/03/2011

Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia
Santa Croce 191 Tolentini
30135 Venezia

Renato Bocchi
Venezia Italia


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