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Brazil Architectural Guide


Brazil Architectural Guide

Laurence Kimmel, Bruno Santa Cecília and Anke Tiggermann

DOM Publishers, Berlin; 1ª edição, 2014

edition: english
336 p
14 x 24 x 2 cm
700 g
ISBN 978-3-86922-220-2

Brazil Architectural Guide

about the book

Brazil, the big B of the BRIC countries, is in high spirits. The current upswing involving booming economic growth and cultural development is accompanied by good architecture: a great number of outstanding buildings have emerged, reviving international interest in Brazilian architecture. This publication provides an exciting selection of 220 modern buildings — from the canonical works of Brazilian modern architecture to barely-known buildings; from works of the six best-known Brazilian masters — namely, Oscar Niemeyer, Lúcio Costa, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, João Vilanova Artigas, Lina Bo Bardi, and João Filgueiras Lima (Lelé) — to those of young aspiring architectural offices. Coming from different cultural contexts and professional backgrounds, the three authors favoured an open-minded approach to Brazilian production. Considering the vastness of the country and the enormous number of projects, the selection presented here is far from exhaustive but presents a panoramic overview that helps the traveller to see good architecture.

about the authors

Laurence Kimmel
French architect, holds a PhD in aesthetics, University Paris X Nanterre. Published the book Architecture as landscape: Álvaro Siza, 2010. She's a teacher and researcher at the Ecole National Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villet.

Bruno Santa Cecília
Arquiteto e urbanista, mestre em teoria e prática de projeto pela UFMG. Foi professor de projeto no Curso de Arquitetura da PUC-MINAS. É professor de projeto nos Cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da FUMEC e da EA-UFMG.

Anke Tiggermann
Studied Interior Design in Detmold, Germany. After her degree in 2004, she worked as Research and Teaching Assistant at Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe for CAD. She lives in Berlin and works as an interior designer and author.

how to quote

KIMMEL, Laurence; CECíLIA, Bruno Santa; TIGGERMANN, Anke. Brazil Architectural Guide. Berlin, DOM Publishers, 2014.




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