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Historiographical Revisions

Historiographical Revisions

Modern Brazilian Architecture

Ruth Verde Zein (Org.)

Rio Books, Rio de Janeiro; 1ª edição, 2021

edition: english
494 p
ISBN 978-65-87913-49-0

Historiographical Revisions

about the book

How to teach and learn architectural history? The research that gave rise to the book "Historiographical revisions: Modern Architecture in Brazil" is the result of this uneasiness. And from the desire to assist the work of current and future teachers of architectural history, with a compendium that supports the possibility of open up more conscious and critical teaching paths. In addition to the consolidated information on eight of the most relevant textbooks on the history of modern architecture in Brazil, including tables and 2D/3D graphics, the book brings a preface by Professor Barry Bergdoll, of Columbia University and 15 critical texts by Brazilian and Ibero-American authors: Ruth Verde Zein, Horacio Torrent, Ana Esteban Maluenda, Claudia Costa Cabral, Fernando Luis Lara, Maria Alice Junqueira Bastos, Manuella Marianna de Andrade, Mathe Thaysa Leão, Paulo Alceu Rodrigues, Marta Silveira Peixoto, Ana Gabriela Godinho Lima, Tais Ossani, Decio Otoni de Almeida, Bianca Jo Silva, Leticia Becker Savastano, André Reis Balsini, Ernesto Bueno Wils, Flavia Sampaio de Almeida Guedes.

The bilingual (Portuguese/English) digital edition with over 500 pages can be found at

about the author

Ruth Verde Zein
Architect (FAU USP, 1977), MA/PhD (Propar UFRGS, 1999, 2005), Capes Thesis Award 2006, Professor at the FAU Mackenzie. Member of Cica, Docomomo, SAH, EAHN. She is the author of books and articles on Brazilian and Latin American architecture

how to quote

ZEIN, Ruth Verde (Org.). Historiographical Revisions. Modern Brazilian Architecture. Rio de Janeiro, Rio Books, 2021.


Historiographical Revisions

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