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projects ISSN 2595-4245


O grande complexo de edifícios do novo nó rodoviário Hausmannstaetten cobre 3 funções distintas: controlo rodoviário do túnel, centro de reparações e depósito dos serviços de manutenção.

The large complex of buildings nestled on level ground along the new Hausmannstaetten bypass road covers three functions: tunnel control centre, central repair shop and road maintenance depot.

El gran complejo de edificios enclavado en el nuevo nudo viario Hausmannstaetten cumple tres funciones: centro de control de un túnel, taller de reparaciones y depósito del servicio de mantenimiento de carreteras.

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PORTAL VITRUVIUS. Tunnel Monitoring Complex Hausmannstaetten. Projetos, São Paulo, year 13, n. 150.01, Vitruvius, jun. 2013 <>.

The large complex of buildings nestled on level ground along the new Hausmannstaetten bypass road covers three functions: tunnel control centre, central repair shop and road maintenance depot. In order to keep the intrusion to a minimum, the building was interpreted as part of the landscape. It follows the course of the road and the green roofs, which regulate the climate and blend in with the fields farmed in strips. A planted embankment forms the boundary to the bypass. Additionally, the way the elongated position of buildings is chosen, they contribute to noise protection in favor of the neigbouring small houses. On the one hand, the complex consequently uses the existing topographical conditions to minimise noise, energy and routes. On the other hand, its clear, simple design vocabulary stabilises the atmosphere of the heterogeneous environment.

The building complex at the west portal of the Himmelreich tunnel at Hausmannstätten enters into a consistent dialogue with the surrounding landscape. By dint of its size and development along the tunnel entrance, the structure impacts on the landscape, of which it forms an integral part. 

The green roofs follow the course of the street. The earth banks already on the building site and neighbouring plot, heaped up for tunnel construction, are only partially rearranged and form the new topography in combination with the roofs. The top edges of the roofs and earth banks are at the same height. Seen from the country road, the impression is one of having parts of the landscape in front of you. The eye ranges over the green roof surfaces to the Graz Basin with its plot pattern of short strip fields.

The architecture is characterised by a calm, pragmatic style. The aim was to stabilise the surrounding area, that is dominated by suburban detached houses and commercial developments. The reserved architectural language serves as a background for the heterogeneous neighbourhood. 
In addition to the areas of extensive roof and embankment greenery, the materials used are above all long-lived. 
To cater for the heavy burden of the weather and works transport (frost and thaw salt), extremely robust natural materials are used such as reinforced concrete (also for crash guards), wood in the interior protected from the weather, steel and industrial glass. These materials define the appearance of the façades. In some areas high-quality, resistant materials are used, for example stainless steel in the washing bay – simply for reasons of severe exposure to corrosion due to steam.


Tunnel Monitoring Complex Hausmannstaetten

Dietger Wissounig Architekten

Site are
17.851 m2 

Construction costs
9.650.000 Euros  

St. Peter-Straße 61
8071 Hausmannstätten 


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original: português

outros: español english

Fernanda Reis - Architecture Export / Plana Studio
Viena Austria




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