Roberto Burle Marx
Roberto Burle Marx
The modernity of landscape
Francis Rambert, Fares el-Dahdah and Lauro Augusto de Paiva Cavalcanti
Actar, Barcelona Spain; 1st edition, 2011
Contributor Leonardo Finotti
edition: english
350 p
24 x 30 cm
about the book
Roberto Burle Marx (São Paulo, 1909-Rio de Janeiro, 1994) is known as a landscape architect, but also as a painter, plantsman, gardener, and jewellery designer, tapestry designer, in short, a multitalented artist. He considered the garden to be one of the fine arts, as “the adaptation of the biome to civilisation's natural requirements." This book introduces the realm of the full sensory experience. Burle Marx's work with plants becomes highly pictorial-everything is drawn, coloured and constructed. In this symbiosis between aesthetics and botany, Burle Marx is the master of both species and spaces. His work is the embodiment of the "nature-city," a concept developed from the garden cities of the late 19th century, which has become compromised in the 21st century due to the compact city model. This new publication focuses on Burle Marx's scientific interest in the landscape and his relationship with the environment. Concepts that continue to be of major significance in contemporary landscape architecture, such as ecology, garden as an art form and landscape design in the urban structure, are some of the subjects the book deals with. The visual information of the book is complemented by the texts by Farès El-Dahdah, Francis Rambert, Jacques Leenhardt, José Tabacow, Lélia Coelho Frota, André Corrêa do Lago, Dorothée Imbert, Valerie Fraser and Gilles Clément.
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about the authors
Francis Rambert
He is the director of the Institut français d'architecture (IFA) at the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine in Paris.
Fares el-Dahdah
He is an architect and historian, currently at the Rice University School of Architecture. Possui graduação em artes e arquitetura (Rhode Island School of Design). Mestrado em urbanismo e doutorado em Design-Harvard University.
Lauro Augusto de Paiva Cavalcanti
Arquiteto e antropólogo pela UFRJ. É conselheiro da Casa Lucio Costa e da Fundação Oscar Niemeyer. Membro do conselho editorial do Iphan, diretor do Paço Imperial, além de professor.