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Architectural guide Zurich 1990-2005

Architectural guide Zurich 1990-2005

Roderick Hönig (Org.)

Birkhäuser, Basel; 1ª edição, 2005
original title: Zürich wird gebaut. Arcchitektur führer Zürich 1990-2005
translator: Chris Ricketts

edition: english
205 p
10,5 x 19 x 1 cm
300 g
ISBN 978-3-7643-7287-3


Architectural guide Zurich 1990-2005

about the book


This architectural guide, however is not intended to be a history book but the first comprehensive record of contemporary architecture in Zurich from 1990 to the present day. The main part of the book focuses on 75 selected buildings and current construction projects - community housing and exclusive homes, offices and schools, parks and railway stations, hotels and industrial buildings - designed by architects such as Gigon / Guyer or Meili Peter, young talents like Pool Architekten or EM2N, and also international stars like Santiago Calatrava or Nicholas Grimshaw. The buildings are organised according to geographical location, with Zürich City and Zürich West each having an aditional section entitled 'interiors'."

A piece of "The new face of Zurich", by Roderick Hönig, editor

about the author

Roderick Hönig
Estudou arquitetura na ETH Zürich e em Barcelona. Na Uni Bern estudou Gestão Cultural. Atualmente é Editor de Arquitetura e chefe de Edição na Hochparterre, a Revista de Arquitetura e Design, em Zurique

how to quote

HöNIG, Roderick (Org.). Architectural guide Zurich 1990-2005. Basel, Birkhäuser, 2005.


Architectural guide Zurich 1990-2005

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