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Women and the Making of the Modern House

Women and the Making of the Modern House

A Social and Architectural History

Alice T. Friedman

Harry N. Abrams, New York; 1. edition, 1998

edition: english
240 p
ISBN 0-8109-3989-4

Women and the Making of the Modern House

about the book

“If you want a book about architecture which is informative, provocative, offers new paradigms on the way we describe architecture, is both soundly academic, and as compelling to read as a good novel, look no further.” — Kester Ratenbury

In this groundbreaking book, Alice T. Friedman investigates how women patrons of architecture were essential catalysts for innovation in domestic architectural design. By looking at such iconic houses as Hollyhock House (Frank Lloyd Wright), the Truus Schröder House (Gerrit Rietveld), the Edith Farnsworth House (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe), the Constance Perkins House (Richard Neutra), and the Vanna Venturi House (Robert Venturi), she explores the challenges that unconventional attitudes and ways of life presented to architectural thinking—and to the architects themselves. Detailed portraits—fashioned from personal letters, diaries, office records, photo albums, and interviews—of the clients and architects reveal the private passions and struggles that women and men of talent and creativity brought to these projects, and suggest the rich cultural and artistic context in which each house was created. The works considered are thus brought to life through the people who commissioned, designed, and lived in them.

about the author

Alice T. Friedman

how to quote

FRIEDMAN, Alice T.. Women and the Making of the Modern House. A Social and Architectural History. 1. edition, New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1998.


Women and the Making of the Modern House

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