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Sara McTarnaghan Carlos Martín Tanaya Srini Juan Collazos

Sara McTarnaghan Carlos Martín Tanaya Srini Juan Collazos

Sara McTarnaghan, Carlos Martín, Tanaya Srini and Juan Collazos

Urban Institute, Washinghton; 1ª edição, 2016
original title: Literature Review of Housing in Latin America and the Caribbean
translator: Phase I: Global Housing Research Initiative
Disponível em PDF para download:

edition: english
90 p
21,5 x 26,5 cm

Sara McTarnaghan  Carlos Martín  Tanaya Srini  Juan Collazos

about the book

A pesquisa é fundamental para atender às necessidades de habitação. A Iniciativa Global de Pesquisa sobre Habitação da Habitat for Humanity International e da Cities Alliance examina a evidência das políticas de habitação. Urban Institute realizou a primeira fase–uma revisão de mais de 1.000 monografias sobre habitação na América Latina e no Caribe. Lacunas da pesquisa incluem: habitação para arrendamento; regulamentos do solo e a acessibilidade financeira; e desencontros espaciais entre casa e emprego para as famílias de baixa renda. O documento foi preparado para a conferência da ONU para a habitação e desenvolvimento urbano sustentável (Habitat III).

about the authors

Sara McTarnaghan
Is research associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute. Currently, she is conducting a literature review of housing policy and practice in Latin America for Habitat for Humanity International.

Carlos Martín
Is a senior research associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute, where he leads research and evaluations on the physical qualities of housing and communities and the industry that builds them.

Tanaya Srini
Is a research assistant in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute. She has been involved with projects for the DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative and DC Housing Authority.

Juan Collazos
Is a research associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute. Collazos graduated with a BA in economics from the University of Maryland.

how to quote

MCTARNAGHAN, Sara; MARTíN, Carlos; SRINI, Tanaya; COLLAZOS, Juan. Sara McTarnaghan Carlos Martín Tanaya Srini Juan Collazos. Washinghton, Urban Institute, 2016.


Sara McTarnaghan Carlos Martín Tanaya Srini Juan Collazos

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por Ana Paula Koury

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Com Arte, 2017



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