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Perception and Lighting:

Perception and Lighting:

as Formgivers for Architecture

William Ming Cheong Lam

McGraw-Hill (mh professional), New York; 1ª edição, 1977

edition: english
320 p
ISBN 978-0-07-036094-5

Perception and Lighting:

about the book

This book provides basic theoretical information on environmental objectives and the process of visual perception and human needs as they relate to lighting design. Conventional strategies are analyzed and new methods explained, and practical objectives for lighting and their design implications are developed.

about the author

William Ming Cheong Lam

how to quote

MING CHEONG LAM, William. Perception and Lighting:. as Formgivers for Architecture. New York, McGraw-Hill (mh professional), 1977.


Perception and Lighting:

resenhas desse livro
por Jéssica Fonseca Matos and Paulo Sergio Scarazzato

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