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Grand Urban Rules

Grand Urban Rules

Alex Lehnerer

010 Publishers, Rotterdam; 1ª edição, 2009

edition: english
279 p
17,3 x 24.1 x 2 cm
540 g
ISBN 978 90 6450 666 6

Grand Urban Rules

about the book

Grand Urban Rules is a tribute to the city`s will to form, manifest in its vast number of steering regimes. The book contains a total of 115 significant ingredients for the Grand Projet of our contemporary metropolis. Not always positive but always powerful, these rules are the inverted, abstracted and extracted image of a city`s actual situation. Setting standards is first and foremost a cultural act. We read cities by their rules! Rules link the physical with the social city, connecting quality with quantity and latent characteristics to manifest ones. Thereby and almost unnoticed, they have become design instruments. In fact, regarding rules as tools offers a valuable (urban) design attitude - departing from an approach that wants to control everything, and moving towards a non-fatalistic form of control between freedom and coercion.

about the author

Alex Lehnerer

how to quote

LEHNERER, Alex. Grand Urban Rules. Rotterdam, 010 Publishers, 2009.


Grand Urban Rules

resenhas desse livro
por Fernanda Moscarelli

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