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architexts ISSN 1809-6298

Arquitextos – ISSN 1809-6298

Architexts (Arquitextos) is a monthly online magazine of cultural-scientific character, with articles about architecture and urbanism (and correlated themes as landscaping, design, urban sociology, urban planning, building technology, etc.), arts and culture, provided free in the internet by Vitruvius, a portal specialized in architecture and urbanism and associated with the Publisher Romano Guerra.

Established in June 2000, Architexts monthly publishes articles in one or more of its three official idioms (Portuguese, English and Spanish). With a current average of eight monthly articles, the magazine provides almost hundred articles per year, in its most unpublished. The over 1.500 articles published in Architexts count with its own indexing (year, month, numbers of the magazine and of the articles) and are available for research in database.

The articles, submitted in a continuous flow system, are evaluated by almost 300 referees ad hoc and by the members of the Editorial Council, made by over 50 intellectuals of high public recognition. The referees and councilors, that act voluntarily and without any payment, are PhD professors associated with the most important universities in Brazil and also foreign ones. Architexts , that currently has a B1 evaluation of Capes’ Qualis system, adopted in September 2008 the “blind review” system by pairs, making it possible the production through the contact between specialists.

The submission of articles has no costs, making it easy the access to the over 1.000 published authors, associated with hundreds of Brazilian and foreign universities and teaching and research institutes, what result in an expressive authorial and institutional diversity. The reading of its contents is equally free, being the factor that boosts the over 70 thousand visualizations of articles per month, regularly occurred in almost eighty countries. The wide spread of qualified articles has its impact over the scientific and cultural production, with a significant quantity of citations in monographs, thesis, dissertations, articles and books. The gratuity for authors and readers – allied to the space for debates available at the end of each article with a Facebook tool – effectively contributes to the democratization of the production and circulation of knowledge.

editorial team

Arquitextos/ ISSN 1809-6298

scientific editor
Abilio Guerra

technical editor
Silvana Romano Santos

editorial assistant
Jennifer Cabral

email of contact

electronic addresses

publication rules
em arquitextos

Indexed and registered at:

Editorial Council
Arquitextos and Publisher Romano Guerra

The members of the Editorial Council of Arquitextos, responsible for the evaluation of articles submitted by authors, are the following:

Abilio Guerra Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Adrián Gorelik Universidad Nacional de Quilmes UNQ / Quilmes – Argentina

Aldo Paviani Companhia de Planejamento do Distrito Federal CODEPLAN / Brasília DF – Brasil

Ana Luiza Nobre Pontifícia Universidade Católica PUC-RJ / Rio de Janeiro RJ – Brasil

Ana Paula Garcia Spolon Universidade Federal Fluminense UFF / Niterói RJ – Brasil

Ana Paula Koury Universidade São Judas Tadeu + Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Ana Vaz Milheiros Instituto Universitário de Lisboa IUL / Lisboa Portugal

Ângelo Bucci Universidade de São Paulo USP / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Ângelo Marcos Vieira de Arruda Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul UFMS / Campo Grande MS – Brasil

Anna Beatriz Ayroza Galvão Universidade Federal da Bahia UFBA / Salvador BA – Brasil

Carlos Alberto Ferreira Martins Universidade de São Paulo IAU-USP / São Carlos SP – Brasil

Carlos Eduardo Dias Comas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS / Porto Alegre RS – Brasil

Cecília Rodrigues dos Santos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Edesio Fernandes Lincoln Institute of Land Policy LILP / Estados Unidos

Edson da Cunha Mahfuz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS / Porto Alegre RS – Brasil

Eliane Bevilacqua Lordello dos Santos Souza Secretaria de Estado da Cultura do Espírito Santo / Vitória ES – Brasil

Ethel Leon Faculdades de Campinas FACAMP / Campinas – Brasil

Fernanda Critelli Pesquisadora independente / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Fernando Lara University of Texas at Austin UT AUSTIN / Estados Unidos

Gabriela Celani Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP / Campinas SP – Brasil

Horacio Enrique Torrent Schneider Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile PUC-CHILE / Santiago – Chile

Igor Guatelli Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

João Masao Kamita Pontifícia Universidade Católica PUC-RJ / Rio de Janeiro RJ – Brasil

Jorge Figueira Universidade de Coimbra + Universidade do Porto / Lisboa – Portugal

Jorge Francisco Liernur Universidad Torcuato Di Tella UTDT / Buenos Aires – Argentina

José de Souza Brandão Neto (Zeca Brandão) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco UFPE / Recife PE – Brasil

José Geraldo Simões Junior Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM / México DF

Luís Antônio Jorge Universidade de São Paulo USP / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Luis Espallargas Gimenez Universidade de São Paulo IAU-USP / São Carlos SP – Brasil

Luiz Felipe da Cunha e Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro FAU-UFRJ / Rio de Janeiro RJ – Brasil

Luiz Manuel do Eirado Amorim Universidade Federal de Pernambuco UFPE / Recife PE – Brasil

Marcio Cotrim Cunha Universidade Federal da Paraíba UFPB / João Pessoa PB – Brasil

Marcos José Carrilho Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Margareth da Silva Pereira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro FAU-UFRJ / Rio de Janeiro RJ – Brasil

Maria Beatriz Camargo Aranha Pontifícia Universidade Católica PUC-CAMPINAS / Campinas SP – Brasil

Maria Stella Martins Bresciani Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP / Campinas SP – Brasil

Marta Vieira Bogéa Universidade de São Paulo USP / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Mônica Junqueira de Camargo Universidade de São Paulo USP / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Nadia Somekh Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Otavio Leonidio Pontifícia Universidade Católica PUC-RJ / Rio de Janeiro RJ – Brasil

Paola Berenstein Jacques Universidade Federal da Bahia UFBA / Salvador BA – Brasil

Paul Meurs Delft University of Technology UDELFT / Delft – Holanda

Ramón Gutiérrez Centro de Documentação de Arquitectura Latinoamericana CEDODAL / Buenos Aires – Argentina

Regina Maria Prosperi Meyer Universidade de São Paulo USP / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Renato Anelli Universidade de São Paulo IAU-USP / São Carlos SP – Brasil

Roberto Conduru Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UERJ / Rio de Janeiro RJ – Brasil

Ruth Verde Zein Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie UPM / São Paulo SP – Brasil

Sergio Moacir Marques Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS + Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis UNIRITTER / Porto Alegre RS – Brasil

Vera Santana Luz Pontifícia Universidade Católica PUC-CAMPINAS / Campinas SP – Brasil

Vicente del Rio California Polytechnic State University CAL.POLY / San Luis Obispo – Estados Unidos

Vladimir Bartalini Universidade de São Paulo USP / São Paulo SP – Brasil


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