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interview ISSN 2175-6708


Nesta entrevista, com o Team X como fundo, Manfred Schiedhelm nos permite chegar a origem do projeto de Frankfurt-Römerberg e nos revela o processo de pensamento que levou a equipe de Candilis a plasmar a primeira retícula no contexto urbano.

In this interview, with the Team X as background, Manfred Schiedhlem unmasks the origin of the project of Frankfurt-Römerberg and reveals the process of thinking that led the team of Candilis to lay out the first grid in urban context.

En esta entrevista, con el Team X como fondo, Manfred Schiedhelm nos permite llegar al origen del proyecto de Frankfurt-Römerberg y nos revela el proceso de pensamiento que llevó al equipo de Candilis a plasmar la primera retícula en contexto urbano.

how to quote

VIÑALS TERRES, Jordi; BOSCH CANALS, Xavier. Interview with Manfred Schieldhelm. Frankfurt-Romerberg: the grid in urban context. Entrevista, São Paulo, year 12, n. 046.02, Vitruvius, apr. 2011 <>.

Jordi Viñals Terrer

It’s 10:00 am in Berlin. Manfred Schiedhelm opens the door of his studio to us. His 78 years defy the passage of time and it seems like yesterday when he and his colleagues of  Team X challenged all the urbanism of the Modern Movement.

In a devastated post-war Europe trying to rebuild its historical centres, where main cities were requiring a redefinition of their centrality and where the motor boom and post-imperialist consumerism mushroomed like a plague, the absurd mimesis of the Athens Charter encouraged by the old guard of CIAM was not offering solutions anymore.

In this historical frame, Manfred Schiedhelm joins the group Candilis-Josic-Woods in the project for the reconstruction of the historical centre of Frankfurt-Römerberg. Their ambitious and radical proposal was never built, but it is considered as a genuine declaration of Team X’s principles and the first implementation of the WEB concept in an urban context, anticipation of what later would be called MAT-BUILDINGS.

We are conscious that we are in front of a time machine able to bring us to the post-war Europe, to the Paris of Le Corbusier, to the ‘68 revolution and to a generation of architects who showed great commitment to society until Postmodernism silenced them.

Manfred Schiedhelm
Jordi Viñals y Xavier Bosch


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original: español

outros: english




Entrevista Luís de Garrido

Giuliano Augusto Pelaio


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