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projects ISSN 2595-4245

Introdução 2º Prêmio


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PORTAL VITRUVIUS. 1° International Competition Global House 2005 for Young Architects. Projetos, São Paulo, ano 06, n. 067.01, Vitruvius, jul. 2006 <>.

Winning projects "Global 2005" architecture contest

On behalf of Arquitectum, a firm dedicated to the Organization of Architecture Contests, we are glad to announce the winners of the "Global 2005" International Architecture Contest.


Arquitectum is the first International architecture competition's organizer. Our mission is to promote excellence in design and architectural creativity, giving exposure to architects interested in these kinds of objectives. Our vision involves the permanent organization of International Idea Competitions that stimulate architects to speculate and to create with the least amount of restrictions possible.

That's why the “Global 2005” competition took the same ideas of our past competitions (Machu Picchu 2004 and Nazca 2005) but oriented to a more “conceptual” target: defining the Global House of the twenty first century among a restricted kind of competitor: architects ”younger of 28 years old”.

The convocatory for the contest was made in August 2005. The contest started that year in September and registrations were closed in October. The due date to present the digital projects was October 30, 2005. The last evaluation was carried out on November 25, and the announcement of the winning projects was on November 30.

Arquitectum's initiative to create this idea contest stems from the desire to renovate the concept of Housing, letting young architects be the ones who talk, through their own experience, about the social, physical, technological and aesthetic changes that they have experienced and that the new global society is experiencing.

The proposal might explore new uses for spaces since there was ample liberty in terms of the distribution of environments, their planned interrelation, their flexibility, if the competitors were able to ask and show in their proposal, the following 6 questions:

  • What is my vision of the Global House?
  • What aspects of “Globalization” revolutionize contemporary inhabited space?
  • What aspects of technology have revolutionized the use or function of the house?
  • In what way does the project speak of “globalization” in terms of social, economic, physical, cultural, and plastic changes that have happened to the house in the last decades?
  • How are these represented in the house? And what way does it incorporate aspects of my region or society?

Therefore, the specific objective of the contest was the following:

  • Qualitative contribution in regards to the program and spaces to be defined within the “Global House”.
  • Definition of interior, exterior and virtual spaces.
  • Contemporaneous image of the “Global House”.
  • Contribution of solutions in social, technological, environmental, aesthetic, plastic and any other categories that the contestant may identify.

The jury

The distinguished members of the jury were:

- Architect David Eduardo Serna- Architect Javier Artadi Loayza- Architect Ricardo Cavenecia


The projects selected by the jury were the following:

Tercer Premio: North America
Segundo Premio: South America
Primer Premio: North America

1st Mention: Eastern Europe
2nd Mention: Western Europe
3rd Mention: North America
4th Mention: South America
5th Mention: Netherlands
6th Mention: Central America
7th Mention: Asia
8th Mention: Africa
9th Mention: Oceania


We have received 250 projects (involving more of 400 young architects around the world) from the following countries and in the following amounts:

Argentina 9
Australia 4
Belgium 2
Belice 3
Brasil 5
Canada 10
Chile 20
Colombia 13
Korea 3
South Korea 10
Costa Rica 17
Denmark 1
Egypt 3
Finland 1
France 12
Germany 1
Hong Kong 10
India 2
Iran 6
Israel 3
Italy 3
Japan 3
Jordan 2
Macedony 2
Mexico 38
New Zeland 2
Nicaragua 2
Norway 4
Peru 45
Portugal 5
Puerto Rico 2
Russia 2
Scotland 1
Slovaquia 2
South Africa 1
Sweden 1
Taiwan 2
Netherlands 1
USA 148
Tailandia 1
England 2
United Arabian Emirates 1
Venezuela 1
Vietnam 1


All the winners were notified via e-mail of their prizes (US $ 2,000 for the first place, US $ 1000 for the second place and US $ 500 for the third place) and it has been arranged with them the way to deliver, as soon as possible, the amounts of their prizes as well as their certificates of participation.

Virtual exhibition

The virtual exhibition containing all the projects, presented and evaluated, will be inaugurated on January 30, 2006.

Arquitectum would like to thank the generous collaboration of all the distinguish members of the jury, without whom it would have been impossible to carry out this project.

Furthermore, we extend our congratulations to all the winners, as well as our gratefulness to all the young architect participants worldwide.

Architect Gabriela Freyre
Professional Advisor
Global 2005


067.01 Concurso
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original: português

Equipe premiada
São Paulo SP Brasil



067.02 Prêmio

Prêmio Prestes Maia de Urbanismo / 2006


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