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Brutalist Connection

Brutalist Connection

A refreshed approach to debates & buildings

Ruth Verde Zein

Altamira, São Paulo; 1ª edição, 2014
prefácio Réjean Legault; revisão Anita Di Marco Ann Puntch; 6 cartazes; impressão em serigrafia

32 p
15,5 x 23.5 cm
350 g
ISBN 978-85-99518-18-2

Brutalist Connection

about the book

If you think you know everything there is to be said about Brutalism, think again! Based in a worldwide research of the 1950-70s Brutalist buildings, Ruth Verde Zein’s book proposes a refreshed view on the ‘Brutalist Connections’, beyond the beaten tracks. While considering the canonical contributions, she undermines frozen stereotypes and opens up new paths, contributing to a broad contemporary revision of the subject.

There are other surprises inside this compact book. In one øap, a booklet with a sharp-witted critical text on Brutalism and what it stands for, enriched by a most interesting foreword by Réjean Legault, highlighting the book’s unique contribution. In the other flap, a bonus: half a dozen beautifully designed and exquisitely printed posters, interpreting Ruth Verde Zein’s studies and conceptual propositions in a visual communicative way.

Good things come in small packages: this book is a fresh approach to Brutalism, able to live up to the expectations of professors, scholars, students and modern architecture enthusiasts, with a daring and innovative presentation.

about the author

Ruth Verde Zein
Arquiteta (FAU USP, 1977) mestre e doutora (Propar UFRGS, 1999 e 2005), Prêmio Capes de Teses 2006, docente da FAU Mackenzie. Membro da Cica, Docomomo, SAH, EAHN. Autora de livros e artigos sobre a arquitetura brasileira e latino-americana.

how to quote

ZEIN, Ruth Verde. Brutalist Connection. A refreshed approach to debates & buildings. São Paulo, Altamira, 2014.




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