Architectural environments - surrounding objects
Peter Zumthor
Birkhäuser, Basel; 5th edition, 2006
original title: Atmosphären
translator: Iain Galbraith
edition: english
76 p
17 x 24 x 1 cm
380 g
(, )
about the book
Atmospheres is a poetics of architecture and a window onto Peter Zumthor's personal sources of inspiration.
In nine short, illustrated chapters framed as a process of self-observation, Peter Zumthor describes what he has on his mind as he sets about creating the atmosphere of his houses. Images of spaces and buildings that affect him are every bit as important as particular pieces of music or books that inspire him. From the composition and presence of the materials to the handling of proportions and the effect of light, this poetics of architecture enables the reader to recapitulate what really matters in the process of house design. A lovingly produced work that conveys an extraordinarily peaceful feeling from its meditative pages.
about the author
Peter Zumthor
Arquiteto suíço, ganhador do Premio Prizker em 2009.