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Excursions on capacities

Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries (Orgs.)

Actar, Barcelona; 1st edition, 2005
This book is produced by MVRDV in colaboration with the Berlage Institute and Actar. Includes a DVD of animations and two urban planning software programs by MVRDV.

edition: english
1408 p
15 x 20 x 7 cm
2300 g
ISBN 978-84-959-5185-4

(, )


about the book

Three-dimensionality can be seen as architecture's fundamental existence, the profession's acclaimed domain. In times of globalism and scale enlargement, an update of this definition seems needed: metres turn into kilometres, “M3” becomes “KM3”.

KM3 is a story about a world that is getting dense. Very dense. It constructs its logical response: a city that is denser. A city that is continuously under construction, with space for limitless capacities, populations. Beyond scarcity. Beyond separation. Beyond pessimism and protectionism. The 3D City. A free-fall in endless space. From right to left, from front to back, from above to below. Pure depth. KM3 is more a construct than an analysis. KM3 is a hypothesis, a theoretical city, a possible urban theory. KM3 can also be seen as a science-fiction novel, a twin pair that describes this upcoming city as an emerging presence, an already existing 'other' world. 

about the author

Winy Maas
Dutch architect, landscape architect, professor and urbanist. Together with Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries set up MVRDV. Completed his studies at the RHSTL Boskoop and got his degree from the Delft University of Technology.

Jacob van Rijs
Dutch architect, lecturer and urbanist. Together with Winy Maas and Nathalie de Vries set up MVRDV. Completed his studies at Delft University of Technology and regularly lectures and teaches at schools and institutions all over the world.

Nathalie de Vries
Dutch architect, lecturer and urbanist. Together with Winy Maas and Jacob van Rijs set up MVRDV. Completed her studies at Delft University of Technology. She lectures and teaches throughout the world and takes part in international juries.

how to quote

MAAS, Winy; RIJS, Jacob van; DE VRIES, Nathalie (Orgs.). KM3. Excursions on capacities. 1st edition, Barcelona, Actar, 2005.



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