Video and text coverage of the expo "Como falar de coisas que não existem", São Paulo 31th Biennale. Made by portal Vitruvius and Irmãos Guerra Filmes
The Para artist Éder Oliveira brings the thematic of the dehumanization of criminals in the newspapers and magazines. Text and video shows the assembly of his work in the Biennale Pavilion
The 31st São Paulo Art Biennial (from september to december 2014) sets itself the challenge of intervention in reality by choosing works that point to new forms of organization, pruduction and participation as artistic and political practices
Artista chilena, retrata a violência latente nas formas oficiais de representação e a reflexão sobre os deslocamentos e a precariedade da cidade são recorrentes em suas abordagens artísticas. Video apresenta a montagem da obra no pavilhão da bienal.
Video and text coverage of the expo "Como falar de coisas que não existem", São Paulo 31th Biennale. Made by portal Vitruvius and Irmãos Guerra Filmes
The Para artist Éder Oliveira brings the thematic of the dehumanization of criminals in the newspapers and magazines. Text and video shows the assembly of his work in the Biennale Pavilion
The 31st São Paulo Art Biennial (from september to december 2014) sets itself the challenge of intervention in reality by choosing works that point to new forms of organization, pruduction and participation as artistic and political practices
Artista chilena, retrata a violência latente nas formas oficiais de representação e a reflexão sobre os deslocamentos e a precariedade da cidade são recorrentes em suas abordagens artísticas. Video apresenta a montagem da obra no pavilhão da bienal.