Under the aegis Making City, The 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam in partnership with SEHAB-SP developed an urban work on the test site área of Cabuçu de Cima. The first project result is presented here

The Amsterdam Public Library was carefully designed on the provision of indoor and outdoor spaces so that, even without a guiding urban project, the building would fit the best in town

Steigereiland is from the center of Amsterdam the first island of IJburg, a residential neighbourhood in the east of Amsterdam. It is situated in the IJ Lake and is being built on artificial islands which have been raised from the lake

Zuidas is a large, rapidly developing business district in the city of Amsterdam, something like the La Défense in Paris and the Canry Wharf in London. It concentrates large multinationals in buildings built by renowned architects

Zaanse Schans, um museu ao ar livre, é um projeto de preservação de moinhos e cidade histórico em região pantanosa da Holanda. O projeto atual é de reestruturação econômica e reativação do interesse turístico do empreendimento original