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interview ISSN 2175-6708


Nesta entrevista, com o Team X como fundo, Manfred Schiedhelm nos permite chegar a origem do projeto de Frankfurt-Römerberg e nos revela o processo de pensamento que levou a equipe de Candilis a plasmar a primeira retícula no contexto urbano.

In this interview, with the Team X as background, Manfred Schiedhlem unmasks the origin of the project of Frankfurt-Römerberg and reveals the process of thinking that led the team of Candilis to lay out the first grid in urban context.

En esta entrevista, con el Team X como fondo, Manfred Schiedhelm nos permite llegar al origen del proyecto de Frankfurt-Römerberg y nos revela el proceso de pensamiento que llevó al equipo de Candilis a plasmar la primera retícula en contexto urbano.

how to quote

VIÑALS TERRES, Jordi; BOSCH CANALS, Xavier. Interview with Manfred Schieldhelm. Frankfurt-Romerberg: the grid in urban context. Entrevista, São Paulo, year 12, n. 046.02, Vitruvius, apr. 2011 <>.

Analogía de la primera ciudad: el crecimiento urbano a lo largo de una carretera

The interview took place the 18th of June 2006, within the research program of the cours of History at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, directed by the professor Fernando Alvarez Prozorovich. After a deep research into the project of Frankfurt-Römerberg, Jordi Viñals and Xavier Bosch travelled to Berlin to interview Manfred Schiedhelm, direct collaborator of Candilis-Josic-Woods in this project.

Jordi Viñals Terrés, born in Barcelona in 1985, received his degree in architecture from the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, within the specialization of urbanism. His exchange program at the Technische Universität Berlin, offered him the chance to achieve depth in the transformation of existing urban fabric and the reconstruction of urban territories. This topic leads him to an intensive research into the Chinese urban development in the International Forum of Urbanism 2010, held in Beijing and organised by the Delft University of Technology. After his professional experience in studios of Barcelona such as EMBT, he is now professionally based in Paris working in the Atelier Jean Nouvel.  

Xavier Bosch Canals, born in Barcelona in 1985, received his degree in architecture and civil engineering from the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, within the specialization of construction and building-work management. He is professionally based in Barcelona where he has worked in the construction company Contratas y Obras and, more recently, in the firm Oca Infra as project manager.


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original: español

outros: english




Entrevista Luís de Garrido

Giuliano Augusto Pelaio


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