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interview ISSN 2175-6708


Entrevista com o arquiteto holandês N. J. Habraken; sua teoria de Suportes é explicitada alinhada com a abordagem do movimento Open Building. Objetiva-se entendê-la em prol da sua possível aproximação com o contexto da arquitetura contemporânea brasileira

Interview with Dutch architect N. John Habraken; his Supports’ theory is made explicit aligned with the approach of the Open Building movement. It aims to understand it in order to make it possible into the context of Brazilian contemporary architecture

Entrevista con el arquitecto holandés N. John Habraken; su teoría del Supports se explica en consonancia con el enfoque del movimiento Open Building. Su objetivo es entender el posible acercamiento al contexto de la arquitectura contemporánea brasileña

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NASCIMENTO, Denise Morado. N. J. Habraken explains the potential of the Open Building approach in architectural practice. Entrevista, São Paulo, year 13, n. 052.04, Vitruvius, dec. 2012 <>.

I personally met architect N. John Habraken in Boston when I attended the “Architecture in the Fourth Dimension Congress”, 2011. I do not know if I was more impressed with his generosity talking to everyone who came to him or with his wisdom expressing ideas and criticisms on contemporary architecture. Those days in Boston were productive but also exciting especially when researchers from the Open Building movement deservedly honored Habraken for his unquestionable contributions in the field of architecture - an unforgettable event organized by Prof. Stephen Kendall from Ball State University, USA.

N. John Habraken, a Dutch citizen, was born in Bandung, Indonesia in 1928. He is one of the most controversial architects of his generation essentially concerned to the redefinition of the role of the architect. His book, entitled 'Supports, an Alternative to Mass Housing', was first published in 1962, (English edition 1972), in which he proposes the separation of 'support' from 'infill' in residential construction and design: the support to be designed by the architect and the infill to be determined by the individual occupant.

Since 2008, John Habraken and I have been exchanging ideas, and thoughts about his Support’s theory and how the Brazilian architects could approach it if they are interested to be an active agent in the design processes of a city, but aligned with dwellers and all the other agents. This is the universe to be shared here.

N. J. Habraken [Habraken’s archive]


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original: english



052.01 Introdução

Entrevista a César Augusto Naselli

Omar Paris


Visita a Christian de Portzamparc

Maria Cau Levy and Helena Guerra

052.03 Introducción

Entrevista a Jose María Ezquiaga

Leandro Medrano and Manoel Doval


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