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projects ISSN 2595-4245


O O-SI prevê a reutilização de veículos de transporte coletivo retirados da frota de São Paulo e adaptação de seu espaço para uso clínico com foco em telemedicina, permitindo uma maior flexibilidade e menor custo de operação.

The O-SI foresees the reuse of urban vehicles decommissioned from São Paulos’s bus fleet, and the adaptation of its spaces for clinical use with focus on telemedicine, allowing a bigger flexibility and lower operational costs.

El O-SI prevé la reutilización de vehículos de transporte público tomados de la flota de São Paulo y la adaptación de su espacio para uso clínico con un enfoque en telemedicina, lo que permite una mayor flexibilidad y menores costos operativos.

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PORTAL VITRUVIUS. Immediate Health Bus – O-SI. Projetos, São Paulo, year 20, n. 234.03, Vitruvius, jun. 2020 <>.

The Immediate Health Bus – O-SI will be a primary healthcare equipment, modular and mobile, of fast implementation and long range. The project foresees the re-use of up to 4.800 urban vehicles recently decommissioned from São Paulos’s bus fleet, and the adaptation of its internal spaces for clinical use with focus on telemedicine, allowing a bigger flexibility and lower operational costs.

Urban vehicles decommissioned from São Paulos’s bus fleet
Foto/ photo São Paulo Antiga / Milton Jung [Creative Commons]

We identified that one of the indirect effects resulting from the current pandemic is the decrease in the population use of hospitals (public and private), and other health system equipments, due to fear contagion by Covid-19, which may result in numerous health issues for residents, not directly related to the virus.

Paulo Machado de Carvalho Municipal Stadium occupied by the campaign hospital for the treatment of Covid-19
Foto/ photo Carlos Bardi/ divulgação [WPP/ Prefeitura de São Paulo]

Anhembi Exhibition Pavilion occupied by the Covid-19 treatment field hospital
Foto/ photo Acervo Museu dos Eventos / Bruno Santos [Anhembi Parque / Folhapress]

Designed in order to follow the spatial needs of medical modernization, the O-SI will offer a safe option for preliminary care and treatment of common diseases during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mapping of Covid-19 cases in Brazil
Imagem divulgação/ disclosure image [Democratic Architects]

Occupation of hospital beds due to Covid-19 cases in Southeastern Brazil
Imagem divulgação/ disclosure image [Democratic Architects]

When the current crisis is over, the project will be scaled and multiplied, and will function at the forefront of basic health units, operating off-grid when necessary, in a technological and punctual way with pre-scheduling and screening by mobile app. By this way reducing costs for the health system and democratizing universal access to health and quality care; no queues and no surprises.

The project is currently in Detail Design, phase and the first operational prototype is expected to be presented in a month.

data sheet

Immediate Health Bus – O-SI

32m2 por módulo

Andre Enrico Cassettari Zanolla,  Antonio Roberto Zanolla, Rennan Carlos, Amanda Cunha (authors) / Democratic Architects

Prefeitura de São Paulo

Dr. Sun Rei Lin (Hospital São Paulo / Unifesp)


234.03 arquitetura móvel
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original: português

outros: english




234.01 crítica

Casa E1027

Thays Teixeira Guimarães

234.02 habitação unifamiliar

Residência LG

234.04 arquitetura efêmera

Pavilhão Gife

234.05 instalação artística

Templo de Dandara


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