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Handmade Urbanism


Handmade Urbanism

From Community Initiatives to Participatory Models

Marcos Leite Rosa and Ute E. Weiland (Orgs.)

Jovis Publishers, Berlin; 1ª Edição, 2013
CDD 711.4 R788h

edition: english
224 p
26 x 16 x 2 cm
550 g
ISBN 978-3868592252

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Handmade Urbanism

about the book

With urban expansion in almost global overdrive, opportunities for citizens to improve their own urban environment are growing steadily. Handmade Urbanism examines the possibilities of urban transformation that stem from community initiatives. It showcases projects that focus on the provision of social infrastructure, aiming to improve the living conditions of residents in the more impoverished areas of five major cities across the world: Mumbai, São Paulo, Istanbul, Mexico City and Cape Town. The publication includes interviews with experts and community leaders that help to clarify approaches to local struggles, as well as the DVD documentary Urban Future, which provides the reader with further information from the ground.

about the author

Marcos Leite Rosa
Arquiteto e urbanista pela FAU USP, doutor pelo insituto Urban and Land scape de Munique, atualmente leciona no Instituto de arquitetura e desenho urbano na ETH Zurique.

Ute E. Weiland
Ute Weiland has been the Deputy Director of the Alfred Herrhausen Society, Deutsche Bank's international forum, since 2007. Member of the Executive Board of the Urban Age conference series at the London School of Economics.

how to quote

ROSA, Marcos Leite; WEILAND, Ute E. (Orgs.). Handmade Urbanism. From Community Initiatives to Participatory Models. 1ª Edição, Berlin, Jovis Publishers, 2013.


Handmade Urbanism

outros livros


Marcos Leite Rosa


Marcos Leite Rosa (Org.)

Editora de Cultura, 2011



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