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interview ISSN 2175-6708


Nessa entrevista, feita em Stuttgart, Milos Dimcic descreve o tipo de trabalho que faz e fala sobre as dificuldades de ser contratado por arquitetos para desenvolver projeto algorítmico e participar nas fases iniciais do processo.

In this interview, set in Stuttgart, Milos Dimcic describes his work area and talks about the difficuties of being hired by architects to develop algorithm projects and participate in the initial steps of the architectural process.

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CELANI, Gabriela. Learning from other people's mistakes. Interview with Milos Dimcic. Entrevista, São Paulo, year 16, n. 064.05, Vitruvius, dec. 2015 <>.

Dimcic durante palestra no congresso CAAD Futures em Julho de 2015, no MASP
Foto Daniel Martinez

Milos Dimcic

He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, in 2006. He continued his studies in Stuttgart, Germany, where he finished his PhD in 2011, under the guidance of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers. During the studies he also worked at the Knippers Helbig office in Stuttgart. Since 2007 he has been developing automation methods used in some of the world's famous large scale projects.

Gabriela Celani

Gabriela Celani is a Bachelor (1989) and a Master (2007) in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of São Paulo (USP), and a PhD (2002) in Architecture: Design & Computation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil. She is the founder of LAPAC, the Laboratory of Automation and Prototyping for Architecture and Construction. Her work focuses on generative design, rapid prototyping, digital fabrication, 3D digitation and automation of the architectural design process. She is vice president of institutional relations of SIGRADI, the Iberoamerican Society for Digital Graphics, and belongs to the scientific committees of various CAAD conferences, such as eCAADe, CAADRIA and DCC, and journals such as IJAC, Automation in Construction, AIEDAM and Design Studies.


This face-to-face interview was conducted in Stuttgart, on august 21st, 2015. Gabriela Celani traveled to Germany through the Connect program, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The translation to Portuguese was done by Maycon Sedrez.


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original: português

outros: english




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