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interview ISSN 2175-6708


Nessa entrevista, feita em Stuttgart, Milos Dimcic descreve o tipo de trabalho que faz e fala sobre as dificuldades de ser contratado por arquitetos para desenvolver projeto algorítmico e participar nas fases iniciais do processo.

In this interview, set in Stuttgart, Milos Dimcic describes his work area and talks about the difficuties of being hired by architects to develop algorithm projects and participate in the initial steps of the architectural process.

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CELANI, Gabriela. Learning from other people's mistakes. Interview with Milos Dimcic. Entrevista, São Paulo, year 16, n. 064.05, Vitruvius, dec. 2015 <>.

Dimcic durante palestra no congresso CAAD Futures em Julho de 2015, no MASP
Foto Daniel Martinez

GC: And as a final question, what was your impression about São Paulo and about Brazilian architecture?

MD: I liked it very much! For me it looks European, and also a bit American, something in between. What I liked about São Paulo is that I could describe all the experiences that I had with just one word: diversity. Diversity of food, diversity of people, diversity of architecture... I really liked it. It was like a collage of different colors, different types...  You have a building that is almost coming down, and then a high tech building next to it, I really like this kind of atmosphere. It's a big contrast with Germany, where everything is regulated, everything looks nice.

GC: Does it feel more like Serbia?

MD: Yes, it's much warmer. I like it. And I would like to thank you, Gabi, for everything, all the organization during the conference, it was very well organized.

GC: Thank you, Milos, for this interview.


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original: português

outros: english




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