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projects ISSN 2595-4245


SLEEPBOX permite momentos de descanso e sono em edifícios como o aeroporto ou estação ferroviária ou rodovária sem a necessidade de buscar um hotel

SLEEPBOX provides moments of quiet sleep and rest without wasting time in search for a hotel

how to quote

PORTAL VITRUVIUS. Sleepbox. Projetos, São Paulo, year 11, n. 132.05, Vitruvius, jan. 2012 <>.

SLEEPBOX allows everybody in unforeseen circumstances to spend a night safely and inexpensively or simply to kill a few hours without leaving the luggage.

SLEEPBOX is a small mobile compartment (box) with a 2.5x1.6m base and 2.5-3m height. One of its main advantages is its ability to be installed in the airport “clean” zone, just in front of the gates. This is precisely the area where travelers have to spend hours waiting for their delayed flights or transfer.

Currently one-, two-, or three-bed Sleepboxes are offered, which can be made of MDF (wood), metal, and glass-reinforced plastic. SLEEPBOX allows from 30 min to several hours of paid use. The price varies depending on the number of hours in use: the more the user pays for, the less it costs per hour.

SLEEPBOX base features include ventilation and sockets for notebook and mobile phone chargers. Space for luggage is under the bed, and each bed has a nightstand. In addition to general lighting, SLEEPBOX has built-un LED reading lamps. Windows are equipped with electric-drive blinds for privacy.

SLEEPBOX’s main function is to afford a restful sleep. However, depending on location, it can be equipped with additional features. Available options include:


  • Matted film on windows with changing transparency
  • Mood lighting - LED lamps with changing light colors
  • Built-in media block (TV, touch-screen monitor)
  • Wi-Fi router
  • Alarm, intercom
  • Safe deposit box
  • Built-in payment station with magnetic keys

In mid-August 2011, the first SLEEPBOX was installed at the Aeroexpress terminal of Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow, Russia. It represents the base version made of MDF with a natural ash-tree veneer. This SLEEPBOX attracted such a great deal of interest from passengers and big companies that chances are first commercially operated boxes will be installed at airports and in the city by the end of this year.


Area: 4 m2

Architectural bureau: Arch group
architects: M. Krymov, A.Goryainov
Design: 2009

Realization: 2011


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original: english

outros: português




132.01 Prêmio

Frutas, legumes, arquitetura e democracia!

Ulisses Morato de Andrade

132.02 crítica

Colombia en Brasil

Benjamin Barney Caldas

132.03 edifício de comércio e serviços

Tower Plaza

132.04 edificio cultural

L’Auditori en Massanassa


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