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projects ISSN 2595-4245


O Quiosque EL165, do Br3 Arquitetos, constitui a área de lazer de uma residência existente. O programa une piscina, deck, trapiche e quiosque – este último, em concreto armado e acabamento em tijolo, é o elemento central da composição.

The EL165 Kiosk, a project by Br3 Arquitetos, is the leisure area of an existing residence. The program unites a swimming pool, deck, a pier and a kiosk – the last in concrete and brick finishing, is the central element of the composition.

El Quiosco EL165, de Br3 Arquitetos, es el área de ocio de una residencia existente. El programa une una piscina, una terraza, un muelle y un quiosco – este último, en hormigón armado y acabado de ladrillo, es el elemento central de la composición.

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PORTAL VITRUVIUS. Kiosk EL165. Projetos, São Paulo, year 19, n. 226.02, Vitruvius, oct. 2019 <>.

Located in Gravataí, southern Brazil, this work was developed to compose the leisure area of an existing residence. Thus, this project organizes the following items: a pool, a deck and a kiosk, the latter being the central element of this composition.

Kiosk EL165, Gravataí RS Brasil, 2016. Architects Diego Brasil and Anderson Calvi / Br3 Arquitetos
Foto / photo Marcelo Donadussi

The kiosk consists of a rectangular cover of reinforced concrete, whose largest side is 15 meters long and the lowest, 6 meters. Four circular columns in the same section, measuring 35 cm each, lift it 3 meters from the floor level. In the longitudinal direction, the supports present a 9-m inter-column space and 3 meters of balance on each side. Transversally, 5.20 meters separate pillars that are spaced 40 centimeters from the edges.

Kiosk EL165, Gravataí RS Brasil, 2016. Architects Diego Brasil and Anderson Calvi / Br3 Arquitetos
Foto / photo Marcelo Donadussi

This cover serves as a partial shelter for three volumes of apparent brick. The first is a 2.20x4.00m rectangle, which is arranged along the kiosk, featuring two bathrooms, a module for TV, a storage location, and a planter. The second, a 1x3.50 rectangle oriented in the same direction as the previous volume, is intended for cupboards and refrigerator. The third is a L-shaped polygon. It is one meter wide with outer segments measuring 3.2 meters and internal segments, 2.20 meters. This latter site features the grill, the pizza oven, and the wood stove. All volumes have the same height, 2.60 meters.

Kiosk EL165, Gravataí RS Brasil, 2016. Architects Diego Brasil and Anderson Calvi / Br3 Arquitetos
Foto / photo Marcelo Donadussi

The kiosk also shelters a bar that serves the swimming pool, which is situated 70 cm below the floor level, and consists of a rectangle 4.80 meters long and one meter wide.

Kiosk EL165, Gravataí RS Brasil, 2016. Architects Diego Brasil and Anderson Calvi / Br3 Arquitetos
Foto / photo Marcelo Donadussi

data sheet

Quiosque EL165

Gravataí RS Brasil


Site: 2.200 m2

Building area: 105 m2

Total area: 315 m2

Architects Diego Brasil and Anderson Calvi (authors) / Br3 Arquitetos

Structural Engineering
Jonatas Krugg

Marcelo Donadussi


226.02 residencial
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original: português

outros: english




226.01 institucional

Sesc Guarulhos


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