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projects ISSN 2595-4245


O projeto foi concebido como um pátio de reflexão e como um centro de contemplação; um percurso que se torna parte da comunidade, reforçado pelo uso de materiais que reforçam os valores da arquitetura local.

The project was conceived as a patio for reflection and as a center for contemplation; a route that becomes part of the community, reinforced by the use of materials that reinforce the values of local architecture.

El proyecto fue concebido como un patio de reflexión y como un centro de contemplación; un camino que se vuelve parte de la comunidad, reforzado por el uso de materiales que refuerzan los valores de la arquitectura local.

how to quote

PORTAL VITRUVIUS. Patio Fresnos. Projetos, São Paulo, year 23, n. 271.01, Vitruvius, jul. 2023 <>.

Nacozari de García is a mining community of 12,000 inhabitants in the state of Sonora. It lacks public space and places for amusement. Thee project’s intent is to design a central plaza for public use that is self sustaining.

The plaza is conceived as a patio-like space for re_ection and as a center for contemplation. It is contained by low walls made of white concrete that frame the lineal disposition of the elements that make up its interior.

Patio Fresnos, Nacozari de Garcia, Sonora, Mexico, 2014. Architects Jorge Ambrosi and Gabriela Etchegaray (authors) / Ambrosi Etchegaray
Foto/photo Rafael Gamo

One of the walls functions as a waterfall — a fountain that cascades onto the canals that mark the axes where a series of ash trees rise to provide shade in the center of the plaza. At the rear the service core is found that includes a commercial space, a playground and a pergola. This allows the plaza to sustain its own maintenance.

Patio Fresnos, Nacozari de Garcia, Sonora, Mexico, 2014. Architects Jorge Ambrosi and Gabriela Etchegaray (authors) / Ambrosi Etchegaray
Foto/photo Rafael Gamo

Local materials were used such as stone walls and metal work that, in turn, reinforce the values and belonging to local architecture. Its placement on the corner permits a daily internal route that becomes part of the community throughout the years.

Patio Fresnos, Nacozari de Garcia, Sonora, Mexico, 2014. Architects Jorge Ambrosi and Gabriela Etchegaray (authors) / Ambrosi Etchegaray
Foto/photo Rafael Gamo


Patio Fresnos

Nacozari de Garcia, Sonora, Mexico


1,500 sqm

Architects Jorge Ambrosi and Gabriela Etchegaray (authors); Graciela López, Mercedes Landa and Santiago Robina (collaborators) / Ambrosi Etchegaray

Rafael Gamo


271.01 arquitetura da paisagem
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original: português

outros: english




271.02 prêmio tomie ohtake akzonobel

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