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architectourism ISSN 1982-9930

Panteão, Roma. Foto Victor Hugo Mori


Em Roma, de maneira singular, comparecem tempos diversos. Múltiplos itinerários possibilitam vislumbrar estratos de camadas entre ruínas, escavações arqueológicas e construções de todo tipo - como evidenciam as imagens do ensaio fotográfico de Fabio Lima

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LIMA, Fabio Jose Martins de. Rome, Italy. Daily contrasts. Arquiteturismo, São Paulo, year 06, n. 062-63.01, Vitruvius, may 2012 <>.

The daily life in great cities exposes contrasts. Citizens and tourists on urban routes with historic buildings and green areas. Each city has its specificities over space and time in the continuum of the history. In Rome, in a unique way, appear several times. Multiple itineraries allow a glimpse of different layers as ruins, archaeological excavations and another typologies. Different times and types coexist even with all the contradictions. The photographs presented here resulted from a passegiata through the city with cultural heritage’s interest, the Colosseo in particular, sometimes reflected. Also looks surprised interact. The stay in Rome was quickly in early spring, the commitments in Venice on Postdoc IUAV with support Capes, other approaches which makes it necessary...

Partial view of the Coliseum
Foto Fabio José Martins de Lima

about the autor

Fabio Jose Martins de Lima was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, on September 2, 1961 and photographing since 1983. Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, from 1999, graduated in Federal University of Minas Gerais (1989), Master in Architecture and Urbanism at Federal University of Bahia (1994) and PH.D. in Architecture and Urbanism at University of Sao Paulo (2003). From 2011 is committed to the Università IUAV di Venezia on a Technical Stage, with support from Capes, Brazil. In Juiz de Fora coordinating research group Urbanismomg at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, with support of CNPq, Fapemig and Min Cidades and Culture.

Contamination, cultural heritage reflected in the Temple of Hercules, in the urban center of Rome
Foto Fabio José Martins de Lima


062.01 ensaio fotográfico
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original: português

others: english



062.02 viagem

Cidades e arquiteturas de terra no Marrocos

Kauê Felipe Paiva

062.03 viagem cultural

De Neviges a Ipiaú

Thomas Bussius

062.04 arte e cultura

Livraria Martins Fontes

Alda Maria Quadros do Couto

062.05 ministério do arquiteturismo

Ministério do Arquiteturismo adverte

Victor Hugo Mori

062.06 editorial

Turismo de que?

Michel Gorski


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