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drops ISSN 2175-6716


Jorge Glusberg, argentino, nascido em 1932, morreu no ultimo dia 2 de fevereiro, em Buenos Aires. O arquiteto fazia parte do grupo de fundadores do CICA

Jorge Glusberg from Argentina past away last February 2nd in Buenos Aires. The architecture was founder member of CICA

how to quote

RYKWERT, Joseph; NOELLE, Louise; CUADRA, Manuel. In memory of Jorge Glusberg. Drops, São Paulo, year 12, n. 057.02, Vitruvius, jun. 2012 <>.

Jorge Glusberg, born 1932 in Argentina, died on February 2 in Buenos Aires.

Together with Bruno Zevi from Italy, Max Blumenthal from France, Louise Noelle from Mexico, and Mildred Schmertz and Blake Huges from USA, Jorge Glusberg belonged to the founders of CICA. The initial meeting took place during the Congress of the International Union of Architects Mexico UIA 1978 on October 26; the picture above shows from left to right Bruno Zevi, Pierre Vago, Louise Noelle, Peter Huges and, on the right, Jorge Glusberg. For many years he was the Secretary General of CICA and up to his death a member of the Board of Directors.

Besides his engagement with CICA, Jorge Glusberg founded and leaded the Centro de Arte y Comunicación CAYC as well as the Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires. He was Director of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, MNBA, in Buenos Aires. He curated many exhibitions and was the author and editor of several books about architecture, design and art in Latin America. Jorge Glusberg has been a professor at New York University, Ball State University, Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad in Cuzco and Universidad de Veracruz.

In 1981 he was distinguished with the Gold Medal from the Sofia Biennale in Bulgaria and with the UIA Jean Tschumi-Prize for Criticism. Among his many distinctions are the Knight Commander of Peru (1981) and the Chevalier de l’Ordre de Palmes Académiques of France (1987).

about the autors

Joseph Rykwert, Louise Noelle and Manuel Cuadra are members of the International Committee of Architectural Critics – CICA.

Jorge Glusberg




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