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interview ISSN 2175-6708


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SEDREZ, Maycon. Designing and fabricating complexity. Interview with Florian Gauss. Entrevista, São Paulo, year 17, n. 065.01, Vitruvius, jan. 2016 <>.

Florian Gauss
Foto divulgação / Divulgation

Florian Gauss

Ba in Engineering from the University of Stuttgart and PhD from the University of Berlin. Worked with Arup Advanced Geometry Unit (AGU), Werner Sobek and currently leads the office Teufell Engineering in Stuttgart.

Maycon Sedrez

Ba in Architecture and Urban Planning from the University of Blumenau (2002) and a MSc in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2009). He is a PhD candidate in Architecture, Technology and the City at the University of Campinas – Brazil – researching about Complexity and Architecture. In 2015, he did a research internship at the Eindhoven University of Technology – Netherlands – funded by the Science Without Borders scholarship. The author thanks CNPq, the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (grant 203267/2014-1) and the São Paulo Research Foundation (grant 2014/13572-5).


This interview was done by web conference on 2nd June 2015.


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original: português

outros: english




Entrevista a José María de Lapuerta

Leandro Medrano


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