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projects ISSN 2595-4245


O antigo galpão industrial se tornou uma galeria de arte contemporânea brasileira em 2000 e ampliada em 2007 pelo escritório Piratininga Arquitetos e Associados.

The old industrial shed has become in 2000 a brazilian contemporary art gallery and in 2007 has been enlarged by the Piratininga Arquitetos e Associados office.

how to quote

PORTAL VITRUVIUS. Luciana Brito Gallery. Projetos, São Paulo, year 12, n. 137.03, Vitruvius, may 2012 <>.

The Luciana Brito Gallery project was carried out in two stages. The first step took place when a former warehouse was remodeled in 2000. The second, the area was expanded in 2007.

Originally, the project already focused on the feasibility of a project through several scales of support to the artists´ works. The installations concentrated on the original building, centralizing the collection and the administration and enlarging the exhibition areas.

Another exhibition area was built in an available area of the same building. The integration and the potential of the exhibition areas were obtained based on the length of the axis of circulation in the upper floor, which reached the sidewalk of Gomes de Carvalho Street, and was connected with it by a retractable ladder.

In this expansion, installations of several supports and works of several scales could be displayed. On the ground floor, the collection is properly exhibited, using special supports. The finishes preserve the occupancy features of an originally industrial warehouse, giving way to several possible uses, whether imaginable or unusual, as a support for the contemporary art.


São Paulo SP

2000 - 2007

Site surface 500 m²
Built surface156 m²

Luciana Brito Gallery

Design team
José Armenio de Brito Cruz

Fabiana Terenzi Stuchi


137.03 galeria de arte
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original: português

outros: english




137.01 art gallery

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Extension

137.02 galeria de arte

Architectural Facts

137.04 estádio


137.05 concurso publico

Concurso Público Nacional de Arquitetura para a Sede da CNM em Brasília


stcRIO - Competition results

137.07 praça pública

Plaza Polonia

137.08 bodega

Bodega Institucional La Grajera

137.09 cenografia

Cenário da peça “O despertar da primavera”


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