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projects ISSN 2595-4245


The Cube é um restaurante itinerante que viajará por toda a Europa. Para tornar o projeto realidade, eles tiveram que usar criatividade e materiais e técnicas construtivas inovadoras para múltiplas e rápidas configurações espaciais. Veja mais no artigo

The Cube is a itinerant restaurant that will travel across Europe. For make the project true, they had to use creativity and innovative materials and construction techniques for quick and multiple space settings. See more in the article

The Cube è un ristorante itinerante che viaggerà in tutta Europa. Per rendere il progetto una realtà, hanno dovuto usare creatività e di materiali innovativi e tecniche costruttive per le configurazioni spaziali multipli e rapido. Leggi piu su l'articolo

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PORTAL VITRUVIUS. The CUBE. Projetos, São Paulo, year 12, n. 138-139.05, Vitruvius, jun. 2012 <>.

Designed to visit unexpected and dramatic locations throughout Europe, THE CUBE - Dining with a View - was launched in Brussels where it sits atop of the Parc du Cinquantenaire, close to the headquarters of the European Community. It will be open for lunch and dinner in this location until the 3rd of July, temporarily transforming Brussels' skyline with it's presence.

The restaurant will be active simultaneously in twin structures; two Electrolux Cube’s will travel across Europe offering a memorable dining experience for 18 guests per setting in magnificent locations: Belgium, Italy, Russia, Switzerland and Sweden. The semi-transparent structure will reside 3 months in each location and will be seen on top of buildings, monuments and on occasions, even floating on water.

The interior of the THE CUBE has been designed to suit different arrangements; the pavilion consists of a large open-planned space with a visible kitchen and a single large table that can be made to disappear by raising it up to the ceiling to form a lounge area for use after eating.

The total floor area of 140 sqm is divided between the open-planned space and a 50 sqm terrace.

In the kitchen, fitted with high-tech appliances in typical Electrolux style, top international chefs will take turns in offering guests a show-cooking service with specially created menus.

THE CUBE has been conceived as a module that can be put up and taken down relatively easily, one that suits all climatic conditions, even the most extreme, while always expressing the maximum in living comfort with its refined aesthetics and use of high-quality materials.

The construction has the lightness and versatility of an exhibition stand yet with the design complexity of a building. It uses materials that are highly innovative in terms of technology, eco-sustainability and energy saving as well as enabling constant re-use.

The pavilion’s lightness of form is emphasised on the exterior by its white colour and given a sense of movement through the use of an aluminium “skin” that has been laser-cut to create a texture with a geometric design that covers the whole of the outer surface. The base of the building, slightly raised with respect to the ground, accentuates the idea of lightness and the cleanness of form that characterises the entire structure. Inside, more highly advanced technological solutions can be found in the lighting, heating, sound system and of course, the kitchen equipment.


140 sq/m

Architecture and Interior Design
Park Associati, Milano
Filippo Pagliani, Michele Rossi
with Alexia Caccavella, Alice Cuteri, Lorenzo Merloni

Logo and Texture Design
Studio FM Milano
Cristiano Bottino, Barbara Forni, Sergio Menichelli
with Libero Corti

Event concept and project management
Absolute Blue, Bruxelles
Patrick Nassogne

Nüssli AG
Frieder Braun, Maurizio Ledda, Maik Rauch

Mechanical and Electrical engineering
Greenville, Milano
Ing. Fabrizio Onofri

Floor coverings
FNG SpA, Fiorano Modenese

External lighting
I Guzzini, Milano

Internal lighting
Zumtobel SpA, Milano

Max Fire SpA, Villotta di Chions

Driade, Milano

Andrea, Martiradonna, Milano
Alexia Caccavella, Milano
Carol, Kohen

Park Associati

Video Stills
Wim Robberecht & Co.


138.05 design & architecture
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original: english

outros: italiano




138.01 Concurso

Concurso Passagens Sob o Eixão

138.02 Crítica

Pavilhão Humanidade 2012

Roberto Segre

138.03 trabalho acadêmico

Trabalhos de Final de Graduação em arquitetura

Assunta Viola

138.04 praças

Tres plazas en Massanassa

138.06 galeria

Galeria Vermelho

138.07 equipamentos públicos

Academia da Saúde


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