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projects ISSN 2595-4245


A Casa LLF, projeto dos arquitetos João Paulo Daolio e Thiago Natal Duarte, do Obra Arquitetos, procura explorar ao máximo as relações com o terreno, rodeada por vegetação e com intensa relação entre o espaço interior e exterior.

The LLF House, designed by architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte, by Obra Arquitetos, seeks to explore the relationship with the land, surrounded by vegetation and with an intense relationship between interior and exterior space.

La Casa LLF, diseñada por los arquitectos João Paulo Daolio y Thiago Natal Duarte, de Obra Arquitetos, busca explorar la relación con la tierra, rodeada de vegetación y con una intensa relación entre el espacio interior y el exterior.

how to quote

PORTAL VITRUVIUS. LLF House. Projetos, São Paulo, year 19, n. 227.01, Vitruvius, nov. 2019 <>.

The project of the house sought to make the most of the relationship with the site, surrounded by vegetation and with an intense relationship between the interior and exterior space.

LLF House, São José dos Campos SP Brasil, 2019. Architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte (authors) / Obra Arquitetos
Foto/photo Pedro Mascaro

The site has a very steep slope and the house program requested was relatively small in relation to the size of the site.

LLF House, São José dos Campos SP Brasil, 2019. Architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte (authors) / Obra Arquitetos
Foto/photo Pedro Mascaro

Thus, the house was deployed in the center of the lot and distributed on two levels. At the top, a winding slab creates spaces and houses the service, garage and collective use programs, all openly open to the outside.

LLF House, São José dos Campos SP Brasil, 2019. Architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte (authors) / Obra Arquitetos
Foto/photo Nelson Kon

The design of the slab and some structural walls characterize the kitchen, living and leisure spaces without creating very rigid barriers between environments so that users can enjoy freedom, amplitude and great interaction between environments and programs of the house. The most intimate level, where a living space and four bedrooms are housed, is designed downstairs. Taking advantage of the slope of the land, its roof serves as a floor to a flat square upstairs and leaning against a retainer on one side, allows the opening and direct connection of rooms with a garden and a lakepond on the other.

LLF House, São José dos Campos SP Brasil, 2019. Architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte (authors) / Obra Arquitetos
Foto/photo Nelson Kon

The lake was built so that, besides its beauty, it could serve as a reservoir for the irrigation of the garden, taking advantage of the rainwater and favoring the drainage of the land.

LLF House, São José dos Campos SP Brasil, 2019. Architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte (authors) / Obra Arquitetos
Foto/photo Pedro Mascaro

The house was all constructed of cast-in-place reinforced concrete, exploiting the plastic possibilities of the material mainly on the upstairs roof slab and considering the good technical performance when we created backboards and waterproofing roof structures for the volume of the rooms.

LLF House, São José dos Campos SP Brasil, 2019. Architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte (authors) / Obra Arquitetos
Foto/photo Nelson Kon



Casa LLF

São José dos Campos SP Brasil


Site: 2300m²
Building: 380m²

Architects João Paulo Daolio and Thiago Natal Duarte (authors) / Obra Arquitetos

Truzzi Engenharia

landscape architecture
Panorama Paisagismo

lighting technician
Castilha Iluminação

Juliana Camargo

Nelson Kon / Pedro Mascaro


227.01 residencial
how to quote


original: português

outros: español english




227.02 edifício e meio ambiente

Sede Administrativa do Parque Natural Fazenda do Carmo

Lucas Lavecchia and Leonardo Pequi


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