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architectourism ISSN 1982-9930


O texto expõe impressões e notícias sobre o Festival de Cinema de Arquitetura de Rotterdam, Holanda, com o tema “Time Machine”.

The paper exposes impressions and news of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam with the theme “Time Machine”.

how to quote

LIMA, Fabio Jose Martins de. Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam. 7th Edition: Time Machine. Arquiteturismo, São Paulo, year 07, n. 083-084.03, Vitruvius, feb. 2014 <>.

“With the theme of this edition, “Time Machine”, we ask ourselves how the marks of time can help us to reflect on the future”
Jord Den Hollander and Wies Sanders/AFFR

The Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (10.10.2013 – 13.10.2013) opened the "curtains" with celebrations, music and projection, a cold and rainy night in the old industrial complex known as Fenixloods in Katendrecht, Rotterdam, Holland.

This festival stands as one of the most important in terms of international reference and accessibility of films on architecture and urbanism. In recent years, the topic of industrial heritage stepped in with successful initiatives, however, with several other counterexamples, incomplete or unfinished, or even canceled, exposing the need for discussion of the environment of our cities. After all, this time of crisis... or crises, which way: rehabilitating old structures or insert new construction ? In this sense, the theme chosen for the festival " Time Machine ", related to the built environment, questions like these marks of time – particularly related to the industrial heritage – can help us think about the future.

The opening in the environment of the old shed Fenixloods with huge screen double inverted allowed the organization of two adjoining rooms and open, with a stage for the presentation of the program and ample living space and dance. Very fun and dynamic introduction by Jord den Hollander, director of the event. The film opened the festival was "The Competion ", produced in 2013 by Angel Borrego Cubero, a documentary about the competition for the National Museum of Andorra, in the historic city center of the capital. The guests for this contest by the government, in the second phase of the competition, among the range of famous architects, were nothing less than Jean Nouvel, Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry, Dominique Perrault and Norman Foster. The latter abandoned the contest. The documentary exposes the backstage of the design process – with the direct participation of the " team" in the architectural studios – as well as the performance of the jurors, and questioning the presence of these famous architects in the competition, given the uncertainties that marked the competition since its inception. The film ends with no result the winner of the competition, the most anticipated by the audience. Jurors did not reach a conclusion as to which proposal should be made first.

The trip to the festival – bike course – from the modern train station in Rotterdam, allowed get a glimpse of the quality of the urban space of this important Dutch city. Tall buildings, low houses, modernity and tradition on the scene, with transport equipment comfortable, accurate and efficient, cheerful hospitality and by the Dutch (2).


The festival, which takes place until Oct. 13 with a diverse range of films, can be conferred on and also on facebook

The participation of author in this film festival is part of the continuing international dialogues triggered, and such incursions allow us to glimpse new horizons for Brazilian cities from the perspective of comparative analysis, in terms of thoughts and practices, in terms of their own everyday experience afforded by different urban centers. With thanks Fapemig, CNPq, Capes.

About the author

Fabio Jose Martins de Lima is architect (EAU UFMG, 1989), master (FAU UFBA, 1994) and PH.D (FAU USP, 2003). From 2011 to 2012 is committed to the Università IUAV di Venezia on a Technical Stage, with support from CAPES, Brazil. Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, from 1999, graduated in Federal University of Minas Gerais (1989). In Juiz de Fora coordinating research group Urbanismomg at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, with support of CNPq, FAPEMIG and Min Cidades and Culture.


083.03 passeio cultural
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original: português

others: english



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