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architectourism ISSN 1982-9930

Rampa do Pavilhão da Bienal de São Paulo. Foto Victor Hugo Mori


Cobertura com vídeos e textos da montagem da exposição "Como falar de coisas que não existem", 31ª Bienal de São Paulo. Realização do portal Vitruvius e Irmãos Guerra Filmes.

Video and text coverage of the expo "Como falar de coisas que não existem", São Paulo 31th Biennale. Made by portal Vitruvius and Irmãos Guerra Filmes.

how to quote

PROTTI, Tommaso. The Biennale and its pavilion. The severity and the harmony of the building by Oscar Niemeyer. Arquiteturismo, São Paulo, year 08, n. 090.01, Vitruvius, aug. 2014 <>.

Space is what struck me when I entered in the Biennale, an endless pavilion designed by Oscar Niemeyer in the core of the Ibirapuera park. This modern structure is very emblematic of the Sao Paulo’s architecture and despite his external severe body, the Biennale inside is an harmonious space to celebrate art. I think this place reveals many souls belonging to the city but managed to keep out the more negative, the chaos. If the Biennale serves to bring Brazilian art closer to an international audience, and vice-versa, the Niemeyer’s pavilion succeeded in this goal.

São Paulo 31th Biennale – “How to speak about things that do not exist”, from September 6th to December 7th of 2014, Parque do Ibirapuera, Gate 3, Biennale Pavilion, São Paulo, Brazil.

about the photographer

Tomasso Protti; Italian, freelance documental photographer, he studied Political Sciences in Rome, with his master degree in Photojournalism and Documental Photography in London College of Communication. His work was exhibited in London, Milan, Rome and Zagreb and received the Internationl Photography Award and the National Geographic Award. Raised inSão Paulo, he works for The New York Times, The National Geographic, Le Monde, The New Yorker, Esquire, among others, and is part of the collective Reportage of Getty Images Emerging Talents.


090.01 31ª bienal de sp
how to quote


original: português

others: english



090.02 31ª bienal de sp

Éder Oliveira

Giovanni Pirelli, Helena Guerra, Caio Guerra and Ludovico Schilling

090.03 31ª bienal de sp

Coisas que não existem

Bruno Schiavo

090.04 31ª bienal de sp

Voluspa Jarpa, histórias de aprendizagem

Helena Guerra, Caio Guerra and Ludovico Schilling


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