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architectourism ISSN 1982-9930

Rampa do Pavilhão da Bienal de São Paulo. Foto Victor Hugo Mori


O artista paraense Éder Oliveira traz a temática da desumanização dos criminosos em páginas de jornais e revistas. Texto e vídeo apresentam a montagem da obra no Pavilhão da Bienal.

The Para artist Éder Oliveira brings the thematic of the dehumanization of criminals in the newspapers and magazines. Text and video shows the assembly of his work in the Biennale Pavilion.

how to quote

PIRELLI, Giovanni; GUERRA, Helena; GUERRA, Caio; SCHILLING, Ludovico. Éder Oliveira. Work in progress. Arquiteturismo, São Paulo, year 08, n. 090.02, Vitruvius, aug. 2014 <>.

When one walks nearby the Para artist Éder Oliveira while he’s giving the finishing touch to his work, the stride gets slower, more respectful under the strong gaze of his mulattos. Born in Timboteua, Éder brings his research about the dehumanizing of the criminals that takes place daily in the local media back to São Paulo. The mug shots, only portrayal conceivable of the marginalized in the magazines and newspapers, deny the complexity and the profoundness that each and every human being brings in itself, simplifying them to the black and white picture of violent robbers, true monsters alienated to the society. In his works, the artist gives them back their humanity, their life, their dignity. The contrast between the vibrant colors of the portraits and the white, almost ethereal, light of the architecture is powerful. The artist forces the attention of the onlookers, paralyzed by the eyes of the criminals, so alive, aware, that they seem to meet the gaze of the observer with a questioning, accusative look.

[translation: Caio Guerra]

about the authors

Giovanni Pirelli is cultural producer and director of the cultural laboratory Casa do Cactus.

Helena Guerra and Caio Guerra, screenwriters and directors, partners in the film producer Irmãos Guerra Filmes, are autors of documentaries for exhibitions and fictional short films.

Ludovico Schilling is a sound designer and electronic music producer. Born in Milan, nowadays develops his research in London.


Giovanni Pirelli

Helena Guerra

Caio Guerra

Ludovico Shilling


090.02 31ª bienal de sp
how to quote


original: português

others: english



090.01 31ª bienal de sp

A Bienal e seu pavilhão

Tommaso Protti

090.03 31ª bienal de sp

Coisas que não existem

Bruno Schiavo

090.04 31ª bienal de sp

Voluspa Jarpa, histórias de aprendizagem

Helena Guerra, Caio Guerra and Ludovico Schilling


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