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architexts ISSN 1809-6298


A notícia sobre o primeiro ser humano monitorado por satélite em tempo integral, como já se faz com veículos e cargas, motiva reflexões sobre o destino da humanidade

how to quote

GONÇALVES, Adilson Luiz. Admirable new world (editorial). Arquitextos, São Paulo, year 03, n. 034.00, Vitruvius, mar. 2003 <>.

The first notice on to be monitored by satellite in integral time, as already it becomes with vehicles and loads, motivates reflections.

The computer science and the technologies of materials and telecommunications had evolved to such point that they allow to the implantation of artificial devices in organisms livings creature with minimum risk of rejection or contamination for radiations proceeding from energy sources, substituting e, until, improving natural functions.

This in allows them to consider as sufficiently viable the abstractions of the biggest writers of scientific fiction of all the times. By the way, the term scientific fiction is losing, each time more, its direction, therefore the stated periods for accomplishment of our abstractions are being reduced in exponential scale.

Such imagine that a similar processor was implanted in a human being with some interactive functions with the organism, as: to monitor the organic functions, informing when some anomaly occurred automatically or correcting it by means of stimulaton of glands, the imunológico or nervous system, or for chemical the controlled substance injection also stored in the human body; to program pleasant dreams or stimulatons; to control, to regredir or to eliminate the effect of degenerative diseases, as the Evil of Alzheimer, the Evil of Parkinson, sclerosis, or, who knows, psychiatric and mannering riots, and the proper process of aging; to stimulate the brain, increasing our cognitiva capacity and our artistic, scientific and esportivas abilities; to adapt our organism to the environment, allowing our survival in inhospitable environments or situations of risk; to prevent kidnappings or to locate captivities for tracking; to punish or, of preference, to prevent the practical one of crimes of any species, sexual corruption, tares by means of the simple and microscopical operation of "chip" mannering.

We could be almost perpetual, healthy, always always happy and without pain! The natural election of Darwin would be considered museum article! The discriminations of all the types would disappear, therefore all would be perfect and self-sufficient! How wonderful... and artificially manipulable world!

Human being it would be transformed into a hybrid being... in a terminal of a informatizada net!

They imagine, now, that instead of independent activities this system allowed the interference of third in our vital, motor or mannering functions, and that unscrupulous individuals had "the ropes" stop in directing them or conditioning according to its interests, assuming an almost divine condition. And if the microprocessors had varied qualities, abusive costs, adulterated, material copies of inferior quality, system of supplying of energy with inadequate isolation? And if they were used to induce to the crime, transforming common "citizens" into cold assassins with induced posterior amnesia? And if was used for birth control, inhibiting or adulterating reproductive functions? And if was created the figure of? Doping intellectual, generating individuals endowed with intelligence, effectively, artificial, independently of its real capacity? And if allowed the demographic control in wide scale? And if was used to create invincible and insensitive armies, or to transform the human beings into controlled slaves for the pain or the risk of "disconnection "? And if some of these "chosen", that they would be free of this monitoramento and controlling the system, decided who must live or die according to its logic or moral?

The main characteristic of the human being: the free-will, would be neutralized transforming "homo sapiens" into a organic machine subjects to the same process of longevity, quality control obsolescence (or it will be that also we will be able to make "up grating"). The individualism would be substituted by "collective", standardized, aseptic and reprogrammable a conscience; our brilliant ideas would be appropriate for "the controllers"; we would be hostages of our thoughts, that would leave of being close; our destinations would be determined to the default; we would be reduced, definitively, to the condition of cattle... of maneuver mass!

E who would stipulate these "values"? The powerful ones? E they would subject to the same system?

Surely, not!

A so powerful tool could diminish the discrimination between individuals, but, badly employee, also could increase the social abyss where in we find them, regredindo the abominable systems of chaste or justifying the adoption, for the? controladores, of based measures of artificial election in market factors.

The scientists do not cease to discover wonders, as instruments of the evolution human being that are. But its financiers nor always are imbuídos of the same noblemen ideal, or interested in the evolution of the Humanity. They prefer, yes, to get and to assure its control. Some, surely, must consider the Humanity as a great laboratory for its experiences of being able, and the human beings as its guineapigs.

For these reasons, the ethical quarrel has that to be always present questioning the scientific evolution, even so let us know that the generalized reprovação does not imply in elimination of risks or suppression of considered research preoccupying. By the way, we only have knowledge of the research controversies that the financiers allow the spreading. Our imagination, exactly for most abstract and radical, at least would obtain to understand the studies that the powerful ones keep under secrecy absolute!

The quarrel on the implantation of "Chips" of identification in human beings must be, therefore, much more deep. The miniaturization, each time bigger capacity to store information in these devices, and the pathological unfamiliarity that the majority of the population have of its potential and operation, become inevitable the fear to that it is not to a simple bureaucratic change in the process of identification and localization of people, as its defenders want to make to believe, but about a dramatical revolution in the parameters of human freedom and relationship.

One is about considerable risk of submission of the mass to a process that, travestido of modernity, can be aiming at, in the truth, the security and perpetuation of the current ruling classes, suppressing the possibility of natural evolution of the social relations, as it occurs since the beginning of the civilization.

Many, surely, already turn these films and had read these books. They must, therefore, to be considering the potentiality of consumption of these facts.

One is not about an apocalyptic, ideological or paranóica vision – exaggerating risks or searching designs occult –, but of a based philosophical question, simply, in aspects in the nature human being.

The scientific innovations are welcome and necessary, but similar historical examples already had provoked more irreversible damages that effective benefits.

Inadmissible, therefore, that it is established or, at least, is cogitated, as obligator, the implantation of artificial devices of identification, for invasive methods or of complex removal, in human beings. Also any type of discrimination or constaint could not be generated that if to deny uses it them. After all, it must not have another condition to be recognized as human being that of being, thinking and, therefore, to exist!

about the author

Adilson Luiz Gonçalves é engenheiro civil da Secretaria de Obras e Serviços Públicos da Prefeitura Municipal de Santos – SP, pós-graduado em Construções e Obras Públicas, pelo ISBA – “Institut Supérieur du Béton Armé”, de Marselha, França; e Avaliações e Perícias em Engenharia, pelo IBAPE – SP, professor-assistente na Faculdade de Engenharia da UNISANTOS e professor titular da Faculdade de Arquitetura da UNISANTA



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