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architectourism ISSN 1982-9930

Forte da Barra, Ponta da Praia e Porto de Santos. Foto Victor Hugo Mori


A viagem a Tampere motivada por congressos e conferências, resultou em um trabalho fotográfico que retrata a cidade finlandesa a partir do design do ambiente urbano. Podemos olhar como um referencial para a condição das cidades brasileiras.

The trip to Tampere motivated by congresses and conferences, resulted in a photographic work that portrays the Finnish city from the design of the urban environment. We can look at as a benchmark for the condition of Brazilian cities.

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LIMA, Fabio Jose Martins de. Tampere, Finland: a singular city. Arquiteturismo, São Paulo, year 06, n. 061.01, Vitruvius, mar. 2012 <>.

The trip to Tampere conference was motivated by the ICOHTEC – The International Commitee for the History or the History and Technology Congress TICCIH - The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage in Tampere, both held in the period 10-15 August 2010. The title of the conference was "Reusing the Industrial Past" with numerous works of which we present the "Continuity and discontinuity in the conservation of industrial heritage in Minas Gerais, Brazil".

View of railway station of Tampere, drawed by Eero Seppälä and Otto Flodin, completed in 1936
Foto Fabio Lima

The arrival in Tampere, via Helsinki, was fascinating by the density of time, technology and modernity expressed in these cities plus the kindness and caring Finland people. In 2012, Helsinki was designated to the World Design Capital (WDC) to focus on the broader essence of design’s impact on urban spaces, economies and citizens. Photograph Tampere allowed the materiality and feel a bit of Nordic spirit.

In this photographic journey was accompanied by Raquel von Randow Portes, also an architect and photographer. In Tampere, at the same time, the immersion in an urban environment with recurrences of the past present and preserved, was placed as a reference for our research in the cities in Minas Gerais, Brazil (1).

Among the selected photos here, one of them was awarded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), in Brazil on 1º Photography Prize – Ciência e Arte, organized in 2011.

Walkin’ Tampere were at the same time, romantic and passionate, as has been the approximations in the cities today...

Signaling in the Finlayson area, reused industrial patrimony which hosted the ICOHTEC and TICCIH conference. The term Finlayson is related to manufacturing of various products as a popular brand in Finland
Foto Fabio Lima


The conference may be acces in

about the autor

Fabio Jose Martins de Lima was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, on September 2, 1961 and photographing since 1983. Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, from 1999, graduated in Federal University of Minas Gerais (1989), Master in Architecture and Urbanism at Federal University of Bahia (1994) and PH.D. in Architecture and Urbanism at University of Sao Paulo (2003). From 2011 is committed to the Università IUAV di Venezia on a Technical Stage, with support from CAPES, Brazil. In Juiz de Fora coordinating research group Urbanismomg at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, with support of CNPq, FAPEMIG and Min Cidades and Culture.


061.01 ensaio fotográfico
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original: português

others: english



061.02 editorial

Saindo do óbvio

Michel Gorski

061.03 arquiteturismo em questão


Márcio Correia Campos

061.04 paisagem construída

Beirute entre gruas e tapumes

Bianca Antunes

061.05 exposição

Doisneau, uma vida muito simples

Agnès de Gouvion Saint-Cyr

061.06 exposição


Douglas de Freitas

061.07 ministério do arquiteturismo

Ministério do Arquiteturismo adverte

Abilio Guerra


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