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architexts ISSN 1809-6298


Conheça artigo premiado no Prize for the Best Essay on Urban and Regional Themes by Young Authors, promovido pela Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies da Inglaterra, e que trata da relação entre as obras de Calvino e o universo urbano

Read the article awarded with the Prize for the Best Essay on Urban and Regional Themes by Young Authors, promoted by the Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies in UK, relating Calvino's works and the urban field

Lea el artículo ganador del premio Prize for the Best Essay on Urban and Regional Themes by Young Authors, promovido por la Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies en Inglaterra, que relaciona la obra de Calvino con el universo urbano

how to quote

CONCEIÇÃO, Silvio José. . Arquitextos, São Paulo, año 05, n. 060.05, Vitruvius, mayo 2005 <>.



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